High Elf compromise

The horde should be happy the writers forget otherwise the horde auto losses.

Yeah, I love the horde bias of being weakened and yet having them make up ways for the Horde to anger the Alliance.

To be fair, the vocal minority of Alliance that post here go out of their way to spin every narrative into the devs being Horde biased and woe is the poor Alliance who always get slapped in the face.


It’s not that its just the alliance have access to a spaceship that fires laser even more now with mechagnomes and the whole organic eradication thing in the city that they could change target things better. Or did you forget that too?

Should have finished the purple rats off while we had the cha-

I mean zug zug me not that kind of orc.

High elfs dont live that long. That’s night elfs.

Yes they do. Kael’thas is like 2000 years old.


I’m just a little ticked off my people got burned.

Horde bias is bull though.

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Hes uh how do I tell you.

I’m right there with you. I hate what happened at Teldrassil.

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Oh trust me, I know that all too well.

No, there’s no way I’ll forget how much the Alliance outguns the Horde, it’s pretty clear all around. But hey, that doesn’t matter, not to me, but to those claiming that the Horde doing absurd things they should not be capable of doing it’s bias.

Multiple references to blood/high elves living thousands of years.

I just think it’s silly why the lightforged no save the tree.

The spaceship broke down after Argus.

Can you image the outrage if they took an expansion to either neuter the Alliance or power up the Horde to the point they were on equal “lore power” grounds?

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The Lightgorged shouldn’t have had to save the tree.

The devs should have given us the option to light Sylvanas on fire instead.

Evening the playing field to have things actually make sense?

Oh dear, the outrage!

All elves live at least a thousand years naturally. Night Elves and Nightborne appear to have the ability to live for over 10000 years. (Night Elves cause their race was tied to the World Tree before the Third War and were literally immortal. Don’t know what the Nightwell did to the Nightborne but it appears to have done the same.)

Daily reminder that Thalyssra is a cougar and I’m into it.


The LFD are scared they will crash the vindicar if they even move it a little. Their track record does not bode well for the ship. XD