High Elf compromise

Of all the lame revisionist NONSENSE!
The only thing the Horde helped do, on that day, is to ‘help’ innocent Alliance civilians AND the entire Cenarion Circle enclave to A HORRIBLE DEATH!

The Horde has NOTHING to stand on, in this matter!

May my AXE drink deep and soon!
NO skal for you!

No Small Mercy is the name of the quest.

That’s not even the same thing.

Oh yeah, the quest where I briefly questioned the people that fled the tree and let them go while I grumble about not wanting to do that it’s “revisionism”.

If you call what Golden’s novels did to Baine good leadership, then yeah, it is.

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Horde has always killed Horde over grievous enough disagreements. Just because it’s not an official challenge does not mean it does not happen. Especially in orc society.

In his mind then everyone of the leaders of the horde are infact traitors of the horde. How dare they fight Garrosh. what Baine did may not have been ideal but he is one with thrall that wants true peace so no more needless dying happens. Anduin is the best way for that to happen hence why they speak with him if not for tyrande they would be at peace but she needs that sylvanas blood first.

Uh no, the tradition of Mak’gora is rarely fought to the death in the modern Horde.

You say that, but the last few have been used with some one being killed. So ima say you are wrong. But you also think the rules of our world applies here.

It is STILL a duel to the death though. Just that participants chose not to follow through.

Not sure if garrosh would have killed cairne if not for the poison, but sylvanas definitely followed through with it.

Edit: and thrall did it dishonorably too.

So are we just cycling through contentious topics, or is there an actual point to bickering about what counts as an atrocity in game?

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The Mak’gora is much rarer than the Mak’Rogahn which is very common in orcish society.

And is also supposed to be fought without any armor on either, yet we keep seeing the writers forget about that too.

and this is…what, compared to the utter inferno which wiped Darnasuss of the face of Azeroth.
Incidently, those whom you terrorized by daring to interrogate, were helped escape the fires by Alliance, not you!
Just because you stayed your hand doesn’t mean you helped; it simply means
you were just following orders.

Slams her :beer: and begins sharpening her axes

I keep forgetting about that too. The only thing that pops in my head without fail were:

No magic
To the death

Yes :clap:t2: They :clap:t2: Are :clap:t2:.

Just because you don’t like the lore doesn’t make it less true.


If anything I think the Horde didn’t go hard enough on the tree, but then again, even the entire thing was outeragously out of their capabilities as it is, but yeah, you not accempting it doesn’t change the fact that Saurfang showed his defiance very early on by having us rescuing Night elves.

I would argue otherwise. The Silver Covenant was in game 12 years ago, out of 15. That’s a long time for a faction to be hanging around. The Silver Covenant was also the de facto remnants of the High Elves that not only chose to not be identified with Blood Elves, but protested the Blood Elves joining the Horde. Then, in Cata, they were complicit in driving the Blood Elves out of Dalaran and cementing them as “villains” in the eyes of the Horde. They were always an Alliance-only faction, tied to the Alliance by Jaina. The High Elves of the Silver Covenant have more ties to the Alliance than even the Ku’Tiran (brand new) or Dark Iron (enemies of all the factions until, maybe Mists).

Using the Silver Covenant would have continued this story. renewed anger at the Horde for what was done to Theramore. The return of Alleria, and Alleria’s bias against the Horde. The idea that allied races are supposed to be smaller sub-sets and not major races. Bringing the Silver Covenant into the Alliance would have been a natural fit. They were never a shared faction (unlike the Highmountain and Nightborne who were) and they have been around for most of World of Warcraft’s timeline - much longer than most of the other allied races.

Compare this with the Void Elves, who not only didn’t exist until the very last second but have a backstory that doesn’t make sense. The Blood Elves are all about toying with powers. It’s why they tapped into the fel. It’s why they allow a warlock class. It’s why they dabbled in the arcane to begin with. Why, suddenly would “void” be an issue except to create an artificial and arbitrary line to not cross in order to justify the concept.

Now, I totally get not having identical elves in both factions, and I share the disappointment that the Nightborne don’t look closer to their NPC silhouette. Personally, I’m more annoyed that this is just another purple elf with silver eyes and we have that look already. Aside from why we have eleventy billion elves in the first place when humans and orcs are supposed to be the two most populated factions.But if we’re going to have eleventy billion elves, it would be nice if Blizzard gave the Alliance some that aren’t yet more blue or purple skins (though I can see this getting solved a bit in Shadowlands). That’s why I thought the worgen change mechanic would be interesting - give the Alliance a race that adds some new visuals to the table, but also make it so you don’t have a simple copy/paste of one race. Blizzard could have also made half-elves if they were coming up with races out of whole cloth - maybe a slightly more slender human shape, with smaller pointed ears and no eye glow.

Ultimately, the reason why void elves are dissatisfying is because there is no reason for them to exist beyond the Alliance needing something. They were introduced, along with Lightsworn against two allied races that both main factions have deep ties to - Blizzard’s meta-narrative notwithstanding. It is quite possible that if Blizzard gave the Alliance Dark Iron first, and used BfA to tell the story of Umbric and his follower’s exile (or set the stage for that story in Legion) more folks would be willing to interpret Void Elves as being High Elves (which they really are).

Personally, I find most of the Alliance Allied races to be un interesting, with Kul’tiran and Dark Iron the hold outs. The Lightsworn and Void Elves are not races but lifestyle choices and their lore is practically nonexistent. And the mechagnomes are…well…an acquired taste at best. Most very much read as the equivalent of Blizzard looking around the room for inspiration and using the first thing that comes in sight. I would not be surprised if Blizzard decided on all the Horde allied races first then realized they needed to do the same for the Alliance and scrambled to shove the first idea that came to mind in order to meet development timetables. And while I do not begrudge the Horde any of their allied races, I really wish Blizzard put as much care and attentiveness to the Alliance analogs.

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Elves live thousands of years.

Being around 10-12 years longer is not a long time.

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Interesting read. I did not know this was a thing.