High Elf compromise

And she didnt know who that one guy was at the time. Since we do know she didnt kill people she didnt do nearly as bad of a thing she could have. Jaina is one of if not the most power sorceress in the game. She was going to destory org but got talked down.

It does sometimes because ethnic cleansing is what Adolf did not putting people in camps then letting them go after the war ends.

Actions are correct or incorrect depending on the priorities you put on various factors. In the Sunreaver situation, Jaina put “security” above “justice”. As far as knee-jerk reactions go, that’s fairly normal.


At least the Horde helped rescue those that fled teldrassil, Ms. Amrcandy didn’t even afford them that.

Why are you trying to minimize it? It won’t make Teldrassill less bad if you don’t.

I suggest reading more on the subject. Mass incarceration and forced expulsion are in the UN definition of ethnic cleansing.

The horde didnt go into the city of darn to save night elfs dont even say they did. Also jaina didnt feed no one to a shark. We know who did at the time that person was in the wrong. Jaina didnt know who was A trait or the traitor.

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Yea the UN this is Azeroth the UN doesnt exist so the ethnic cleansing isnt the same just like it didnt even exist until ww2. I suggest remembering this game is based in a world that is not earth.

Can’t make this up.

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Roll Draenei, use Orb of Deception. Compromise reached.

Didn’t jaina pledge the kirin tor to the alliance straight after the purge?

Like it or not, the intention to drive out the sun reavers was not to remain neutral.

Oh I’m sorry does Hitler Obama Putin exist in wow? For a UN to exist that would mean all races have representation on the board. But we dont because faction divide.

Council of 6 exist for a thing.

Blood :clap: Elves :clap: are :clap: not :clap: High :clap: elves.:clap:

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If he’s a traitor, so is Sylvanas.

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Yes. They are both traitors.

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Seeking peace doesnt make you a traitor. It makes you a good leader.

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Murdering loyal Horde warriors to impress an Alliance witch does. As does exiling your subjects for refusing to ignore Alliance atrocities.

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Oh cool, so Tyrande and Malf should go apologize to the horde for the fact that they resisted Sylvanas if they want to be good leaders?

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No they didn’t, they did the good ol’ catch and release (night elf fishes anyone?) but at least they released them, the Alliance players were actively sealing the fate of civilians.

I didn’t say Jaina did, I said tha an SC agent did, which was the result of Jaina ignoring what she found convenient to ignore.

So the solution is to let Vereesa and his minions going on a rampage?

Who did not oppose to joining the alliance at that time.

Jaina was only voted out of the council during or slightly before legion. She was still opposed to the horde entering dalaran at that time.