High Elf compromise

You have friends? I’m jealous.

Was this specified? Because I don’t remember seeing this mentioned.

I’ve been taking a creative writing class during lock down.

Of course, you’re one of them silly goose.

Things dont have to be said for it to be obvious. You really think if he didnt trust them or want to earn the favor he would have invited them

That’s kind of the point of canon lore existing. Plus blizzard is not exactly the best at subtext anyway.

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I thought the point of cannon law was to keep people from besieging castles willy nilly.

There was no mention of forgiving anything, I don’t understand where you’re getting that from. Not once did they ask for an apology, nor was an apology ever given.

And Velen wouldn’t have been able to do it without the Blood elves either. He showed up at the end, and dropped the spark in the Well after all the fighting and sacrifices had been made, and you think all the credit should go to him? Okay then.

We also have not seen the High elves this whole expansion, so there’s no saying that things have changed either way. They’ve remained nearly tucked away in Dalaran, out of the war effort.

Because they literally have no where else to go, and during the Void elf starter quests they openly acknowledge that it won’t be a warm welcome by the Alliance.

Wrong, if the fallen naaru wasn’t defeated, and the Sunwell not secured from Kael’thas, his loyists, and the burning legion, reigniting the Sunwell would be impossible.


And yet we have blue eyed elves showing up among the Sunreavers in Dalaran, the one city coincidentally full of blue eyed elves, one of which was even acknowledged by name, and confirmed by the devs, already showing proof of the possibility of High elves among the Horde.

Hmm highelfs live in stormwind the main alliance city.

Um, most High elves live in Dalaran.

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Except you don’t think the bloodelf leader would ask for an apology even if it wasnt from the same alliance that did such things to him? Something should be said in lore but others dont need to be. Also it’s not my fault blizzard has done this twice now with attempting to get the belfs to join the alliance then to fail from another female. Aka jaina then nightborne leader. They clearly wanted to do it but know they cant so they tease it.

Lore wise it was the alliance and horde who did all the fighting to save the sun well but nothing changes the fact it was an alliance leader who saved the sun well the same leader of the alliance who the bloodelfs are attacking them in the starting zone when they crashed the space ship. Also yes most do live in dalaran but you are ignoring that some do live in stormwind which ruins the whole arent aloud in the cities.

He should be demanding for groveling, the fact that he’s rolling alogn with Jaina pisses me off. But the fact that they gave him amnesia that made him forget what Jaina did, makes me think they would not have Varian apologizing.

Just wow…


Or he learned to forgive and not forget. He can very well demand for a proper apology from jaina I dont deny that but varian never did them wrong thats the point. Varian was a great leader and both sides the horde and the alliance lost a great story written character when he was killed off. Nor has Anduin is probably the best reason why the bloodelfs should want to reunite with the alliance. Since the light loves him so and he hates pointless fighting. As we all know the high elfs just want peace and pointless fighting to end.

As all members of a race feel when faced with the leader of an ethnic cleansing against their people.

Alliance: can we get High Elves?

Blizz: creates Void Elves

Alliance: can Void Elves have High Elf appearances?

Blizz: (potentially) obliges

Alliance: can we just rename Void Elves “High Elves”?


But of course but I wouldn’t say jaina did an ethnic cleanse what she die was wrong but it wasnt like if you are a pale elf you die.

Should we ask Tyrande to “Forgive but not forget”? Think she would be happy with a formal apology from Sylvanas?

Yes, I know the situations are not exactly the same, but to say that an apology over wrongdoings it’s enough, it’s kind of a stretch.

Yeah so besides the fact that the high elves were murdering civilians in the sewers and Vanessa herself was organising the murders of wealthy blood elves to take their money…

Forced expulsion from a region constitutes an ethnic cleansing, big dog.


Sylvanas isn’t even on the same level. If it was soloy a few who got hurt sure but no she killed near erridacted the nightelfs. She let children die etc. The horde and the alliance both want her brought down. If it wasnt for that stuff then yes of course because it’s a war.

I mean, she kind of went nuts and let her BFF do whatever she wanted and as a result, her minions did whatever they wanted, from poisoning mounts, to feeding people to a shark, to locking them regardless if they were involved or not.

That’s not something someone should just forgive easily.

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It’s still not the same scale of crazy. Like I said yes jaina should 100% be put on trial and not that Drust trial thing. More of one with the horde judging her. But we all know Thrall and Baine wouldnt let her die. Nor would Lother to be honest. Shes done bad things but all of them have except maybe Baine.