High Elf compromise

So, only some forms of ethnic cleansing are wrong?

Thrall’s only big slip up was not laying Garrosh enough attention while he was busy saving the world.

What other Horde leader has done anything wrong, much less even close to what the wicked witch did?

Gul’dan and Sylvanas :rofl:

Jaina did not cleanse a massive amount of bloodelfs like sylvanas did and from what I recall jaina didn’t even kill.

Neither of which are Horde leaders?

Yes, yes they were.

This is a cautionary tale in to why trying to get a gotcha without reading the previous conversation is a bad idea.

You asked a question. I answered it. I don’t see the problem here.

Inb4 “not muh horde”…

I tend to enjoy joking around here, but can we just start facing facts?

We’d sooner have the faction system abolished than getting ANOTHER Blood Elf recolor. This isn’t a “hey we wanna spite you” decision. It’s logical. Why would you want to create 2 races on opposing factions that have the exact same architecture/lore/look/niche? It. Does. Not. Make. Sense.

At least with Void Elves… there is something different that can be expanded on. What lore continuity do High Elves have other than being a relic of the past and being “we’re against Blood Elves even though they’re now worshiping the light and aren’t evil!!!111!!!”


Well, if you’d read literally one post in that conversation you’d know we were talking about current characters.

You say that like Gul’dan won’t show up again next expac…

Oh, just a tiny ethnic cleansing it’s not a big deal…

Didn’t they change it so most of the Sunreavers weren’t killed in the purge but arrested?

I know what the quests there show in game and let’s just agree no matter what side you’re on jaina did really bad stuff, but I thought blizz did a retcon to make it so the majority were fought to a yield and arrested rather than killed?

If that’s the case Lor’themar, with what happened in MoP otherwise and his more pressing concerns, would explain why he’s so… Ok with it.

That was the Alliance version of the questline.

Sure. I’m saying I thought they (blizz) chimed in not long ago and basically retconned it?

If you start a void elf character, you can see that about half of the NPCs learning void techniques are called “High Elf Wayfarer”, and sport blue eyes.
So we know that Void elves are NOT just defected blood elves, but a combination of high elves and former blood elves.

Additionally, when doing the unlock scenario, players other than yourself are joined by generic high elf ranger NPCs as you quest. Of course you see your own NPC as Alleria.

I’m not saying that’s true because we’re still dealing with very upset Sunreavers, but that’s still an ethnic cleansing. You can’t go around imprisoning ethnic groups.

No, they simply clarified that Jaina attacking them in game was a bug, but they never denied that the SC was going on a rampage. An SC agent downright drops a sunreaver into Segacedi’s maw as a Horde player approaches them.

He already proved he’s indeed the bigger man when he was the first one to give in during their confrontation at Isle of Thunder, but just never mentioning it at all, comes off as if he simply forgot about it.

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See you are trying to say I’m saying ethnic cleansing is ok, which I’m not. MoP was a war expansion. Sunreaver leader assisted in destroying theramore. Jaina told sunreavers they had to leave. They didn’t. She used force. Sylvanas even with members of the horde telling her it was a bad idea burned down a tree as well as killed many many many nightelfs including children. It’s not even remotely the same thing.


No he didn’t.

Which is an ethnic cleansing. You’re literally describing it.

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