High Elf compromise

saraslam, then why havent they done a neutral race since? HM tauren and nightborne could have been neutral

oh and then ion said they want things between the faction to be distinct. syncs with ghostcrawlers tweet doesnt it


While he was a fairly high ranking member of the team. I think he was systems head? Hardly an opinion that should be ignored out of hand.

Then how on earth can you compare being infused with the void to blood elves having golden eyes if they believe strongly enough?

Did you miss the part when I mentioned that he said that while still being the the lead systems designer? The one that was in charge of anythign that involved balance?

Blood elf paladins arent infused with the light of said naruu?

They’re infused with the Sunwell.

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No, hence why Danuser stressed that it didn’t matter what the quest text says. That it doesn’t matter if it says you’re a Bronzebeard Dwarf, or a Darkspear Troll, these customizations are designed to reflect other possibilities. You can be a Wildhammer dwarf, you can be a Sand troll.

So even if it says Blood elf, but you chose for your character to still identify as a High elf, that choice is yours, regardless of what the quest text says.

We have what? A few Wayfayers in the rift? Meanwhile we have High elves and Blood elves residing at the Sunwell together, the leader of the Allerian Stronghold Auric Sunchaser preaching unification between the two groups. We have the Thalo’dan Privateer High elves that absolutely loath the Alliance and are friendly with the Horde. The point is the possibility is there, so they’re making it available to players.


That hasn’t been the case since the end of Sunwell.

Or the beginning of Sunwell, depending on your perspective.

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The sun well you mean the thing of pure light? Thay went crazy from alleria.

It’s Arcane and light. fyi


No, it’s not “Pure light”, the arcane in it went nowhere. The Light it’s just mixed in there.

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Yeah, that one. They’re not sucking the actual essence of the Naaru and not sucking it down all in one go. It’s not the same.

Edit: also yes it’s half arcane.

Oh got it, I understand you are biased. I point out a fact you say nope its not the same as all these none identified as bloodelfs sitting by the sun well I’ve not seen them but hey who knows must be more then a few stragglers I guess you are saying it’s the 10% that didn’t become bloodelf. Ok understood.


Kk got it please te blizzard all paladins of the blood elf varsity arent infused with the light.

Someone gives you a well thought out response that can make you think, and your response is to claim someone being biased.



I was thinking it was a extremly hot take, but then I remembered the exchange before I passed out.

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A hot enough take to get a Sunwell burn?

Oh so my response was meaningless? Got, it fine lets go deeper down this rabbit hole. Who fixed the sun well. Please tell me.

I’m repeating what the Dev said in his interview, so you can have a better understanding of the purpose behind the design of the new customizations, and Blizzard’s focal point on giving core races access to different groups, and clans belonging to the same race.

It’s weird that you interpreted a few Void elves and High elves seen together as some irrefutable evidence of your argument, and yet when I offer the same you downplay it like it’s irrelevant. There are plenty of occasions of High elves being friendly toward the Horde as early as classic. We have a High elf that’s drinking buddies with some orcs in Orgimmar for heck’s sake.

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