High Elf compromise

You…do know latency is a distance to and back from server thing, right? If they’re playing on servers across the ocean from them as opposed to local, they will have as much latency as I do (I’m in Europe, btw).

Thats the toon you play on?

You have nyalotha raid achieves. But no raid progress for that toon.

You have visions of stormwind/org achieves. But no cloak.

I believe the point being made is that during the prime time playing hours of Oceanic, warmode is dominated by the Alliance. So to see an Oceanic person complain about Warmode faction imbalance seems funny.

As a US Horde player I know not to attempt my vale/uldum dailies in the so-late-its-morning time period till lunchtime. Because it will be Alliance everywhere. I will be spawn camped the entire time.

(I stand corrected, I missed the initial latency comment)

Not in instances, my mate plays on MG Horde and he gets regular Australian latency as long as he’s not group leader.

:rofl: I feel you. I get bored if I don’t see any horde for a while on my pvp toon, too. It’s just weird to me he’s doubting their claim of playing on non-oceanic servers, because it’s entirely possible to do that using the internet. Heck, they could be playing EU, even, with another account.

Instances don’t really matter in world PvP, though.

Technically, Void Elves are High Elves.

Highborne became High Elves and Nightborne.

High Elves renamed themselves Blood Elves, dabbled in fel energy and joined the Horde.

Blood Elves dabbled in void energy and became Void Elves.

What folks are irked about, I think, more so than the nomenclature, is that void elves don’t have a deep lore whereas there were High Elves that had already rejected the Blood Elf choice – a group that we have dealt with in the past and already has a known NPC to lead them that could have been used to tell the story and the fact there are already purple elves, and there is nothing really unique about getting “smol” purple elves with silver eyes, tentacles notwithstanding.

Again, my answer would have been to have the Silver Covenant High Elves be the lore hook to make the Void Elves and I would have used the worgen mechanic to make the Void Elves a more fascinating allied race - because you could use the cool tones for the original appearance (as we see in the Hyjal raid) with maybe void-purple eyes and maybe even a more void-y void elf appearance that would kick in during combat and at will. This would have reflected the inner struggle of the elves, and would have allowed Blizzard to go ham on options for the void aspect of the void elves. It would have put both Vereesa and Alleria in play, especially as both are pretty anti-Horde.

Another story which would have been fascinating is if there were Blood Elves who took instruction from that, I dunno, Tauren druid who hung out in Silvermoon? And deeply explored nature. You make those Blood Elves maybe green and brown with leaf motifs and they break away from Silvermoon because of Teldrassil - and as a nature-based High Elf group join the Alliance. And there we get Blood Elf druids, as they rejected the magic of their kin and go to join their Night Elf forebears (pun intended).

All that said, there is nothing that prevents players from role playing that their particular Velf is a High Elf, as there are High Elves in that void-place Void Elves start at. And the only real difference between High Elves, Blood Elves and Void Elves is the energy they “soaked” in - otherwise they are the same people. Rather I think that the complaint to Blizzard should be that the lore is lazily put together and given how much was put into the additional allied races, making more purple elves is uninspiring, especially since the “OG” purple elves have in-game skin tones that are nothing like the art that represents them.

The Silver Covenant isn’t deep lore either. They’ve been around a few years longer than the void elves at this point. That isn’t deep. Just slightly less shallow.

What wpvp? Horde don’t have WM anymore.

I really must underscore again. It’s the same as US Alliance, we don’t have a presence.

If I could post links, I’d link you a screenshot of where I got “alliance assassin” in warmode a few days ago on -US- servers. And I don’t even think that’s a big deal at all. Alliance is very much present in warmode here, and anyone who says otherwise should probably actually turn warmode on.

Okay, next time I’m playing at 4 in the morning on my one Alliance character I’ll come check it out.

He means that you play with other Australians in US servers, like you.

Not sure what that has to do with what he said previously, though:

I don’t see anyone who thinks this way. While human skin tones would’ve been one way to show human heritage in an elven race, it looks good on Blood Elves. Half Elves are also extremely unlikely, nothings really being “stolen”

Not just on US servers. Cross-realm works for US-Oceanic servers. I frequently play with a mate who mains on Moon Guard.

Being on a US server doesn’t restrict you to playing with Americans. You have full access to the Oceanic playerbase.

I’ve noticed a ton of Australians when playing from Moon Guard.

Yeah there’s no Australian RP servers. Messing with RPers is also something of a national past time.

That was maybe a couple of hundred posts back.

The thought of Alliance dominated Oceanic CRZing with Alliance dominated Moon Guard is rather terrifying.

btw that 10% figure has almost certainly dropped a bit with the destruction of quel’lithien(well not much, its just a campsite for a few hermits but everyone thinks these are home to huge high elf populations), theramore and the kirin tor campaigns the SC have fought in. best part is, very few of them actually live in and are a part of the alliance

the little mage trainer and portal keeper they have added over the last 16 years? they probably make up less then 1% of that figure

and dont forget high elves only interacted with humanity out of desperation during the troll and second wars and generally seemed to have restricted any major interactions afterwards to the city of dalaran which hosted an expatriate population led by their prince and later aethas sunreaver when they returned to rebuild and he was placed on the council of six(up until mop)


Hmmm, not really. The guild I’m in on Shattered Hand, I’m the only Aussie. The guild that I am in on Segaras, I’m the only Aussie.


And as we all know you can only play with people on your own server. :thinking: