High Elf compromise

Was i the one that asked for it? Please read my post on using npc as evidence.[quote=“Motorz-emerald-dream, post:2553, topic:496481”]
Per google.

the obligation to prove one’s assertion.

Please read the WHOLE thing. I assume you had. Now you are just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Npc is NOT an indicator! Refer to my convo with Cezol.

Even he agrees that the infinitely spawning void elves were not indicators of populations.

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Still going on about this?

Stop feeding the troll and let it die already.

Nothing is gonna get through to the thick skull of his.

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It’s because Void Elves were a lazy allied race added into the Alliance to just give them the Blood Elf model.

Alleria was never a Void Elf in 7.3 before they announced allied races, and nothing has changed since then, so it’s a bit silly to just assume she is when she didn’t even go through the transformation that they did.

These questions will never stop being asked because of blizz’s lazy decision making. Either make Alleria look like Void Elves or allow Void Elves to look like Alleria and be done with it.

Because if there’s only one of a kind it’s not a race, matey. She only started identifying as a void elf after the void elves as a group were a thing.

… Yeah but are these questions really being asked? Is anyone out there aside from you and maybe a few others asking

:thinking: Is Alleria really a Void Elf based on an entry in WoWhead

NPCs have in recent WoW history looked way different than players.

It’s like going…

:thinking: Are we really Nightborne because we don’t look like the NPCs do.

She says that Blood Elves and High Elves are her people too, but that doesn’t make them Void Elves now does it?

She is not a Void Elf, in the sense that she did not go through the transformation that made Void Elves what they are, and that’s a good reason as to why she doesn’t look like them.

high elves are already in the game alliance are so dumb.

Says the one trying to split hairs…

Still a you opinion. And you are entitled to it. Named NPC’s are not infinite but they can infinitely spawn…so if there are hundreds of them that means everyone is infinite and no information can be gleaned from anything in the game ever. It’s all just whatever you want to make it out to be, except you already know what the truth is, you just want to argue about how you get there.

Like i said, you can have your opinion, it’s fine. Doesn’t change reality.


lol you guys try so hard it’s so funny. Hours into this and you are still making me laugh at the stupidity.

She identifies as one, which is what matters. Physically she isn’t any existing race because there are no more of her kind anywhere in the universe, basically.


As someone who is really close with their grandparents I agree I don’t know why this insinuation would be considered at all funny. Anti arguments are just as valid as people who support HE’s, I prefer reasons to want them but its not to say arguments aren’t valid. I don’t know why you’d joke about something like this though, doesn’t help any argument.

Seeing his latest post, i guess you’re right

It really does feels like speaking to a wall.

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And we are back to trolling…thanks for more proof.

Yeah. Just ignore him. He will lose interest and stop trolling soon.

Guzzle is correct she is a void elf, as described by Blizzard as well, which is why her being a VE is solid grounds to open the diversity of the human skin tones to Void Elves. Whether you want that for VE’s or not is another thing but she is a Void Elf.

Uhh yeah? :thinking:

:thinking: I said she was classified as a High Elf in game, and she is when she follows you around as an NPC during quests. :thinking:

Or maybe, just maybe, Alleria’s model was finished before Blizzard conjured up the Void Elf story? Because Alleria wasn’t a Void Elf in 7.3 and she never transformed into one? Because she has absolutely nothing to do with them other than the fact that they’re elves that fight with void? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Alleria’s lore and look was created without Void Elves even being a thought in mind. Not sure why that’s so hard to grasp. Blizzard is just trying to shoehorn her into their terrible lore to give them better appeal.

The second sentence of mine you quoted sort of proves the opposite of that, but you do you homedrizzle.

:thinking: I’m very glad I could help you learn that emojis are a thing.

That being said, I’m sure you can read above without my help.


So are you arguing she is or is not a Void Elf? Because Blizzard has described her as being one, she is the first Void Elf. They said she is a Void Elf.

Weeeell…honestly, that’s a pretty valid criticism of the nightborn model given to players.

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LOL, says the troll.

Me: Hey this is true (Alliance High Elves outnumber Void Elves).
Multiple people in this thread: prove it (EVEN THOUGH THEY KNOW ITS TRUE).
Me: Common Sense and in the game.
Multiple people in this thread: that’s not proof, burden of proof is on you (EVEN THOUGH THEY KNOW ITS TRUE).
Me: I laid out my case.
Multiple people in this thread: You having a stroke teehee teehee…burden of proof, do you know what that means, google it (EVEN THOUGH THEY KNOW ITS TRUE)
Me: Destroys and pulls apart everything they say and notes their stupidity
Cezol: Obliterates EVERY ONE OF THEM WITH LOGIC AND WHAT EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS…and reluctantly ADMITS that they knew, which is my original statement was right.
Multiple people in this thread attack Cezol and won’t answer my questions for an hour because of how bad and stupid they look

But i’m the troll? Seriously that is the circular logic you are going to go with? You are trying to label me after you people got smashed around for a couple of hours arguing over something you ALREADY KNEW WAS TRUE?

Edit: Oh the hilarity and stupidity this thread has provided, highly entertaining and i thank you all for that.

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