High Elf compromise

I’m busy comforting my Australian friend.

I don’t have time for angry lady nonsense. Go make a thread about it.

She hears the whispers, she can use it at her will.

She literally took in a voided Naaru.

Yep, all evidence points to “Yes, she is a void elf”.


A sesh is the male equivalent of a girl’s night out, usually involving drinking, singing and hijinks meant to engender a level of camaraderie.

A pub or public house is similar to a bar, but with a kitchen and generally with a more buoyant energy due to the Commonwealth’s more casual drinking culture.

A lad is a male.

No i understood the overall context, it just didn’t flow as naturally in the head cause Australian. :cry:

Yes. My mistake on this particular thing.

Yes. My spelling is bad.

You are still embarassing though.


Oh, he’s resorting to catching up on typos.

I guess in the end, you won.

We know…it’s ok, we all make mistakes.

Yes, it’s ok.

Embarrassing you…yes, ESPECIALLY since you spelled it wrong AGAIN. But hey what’s google for if your not looking up something.

Might want to look up how to spell it next time.

Yes you found me out, that is what i am “resorting” too.

I mean, what else is left. I already won everything else.

Hahahahahahaha. I was waiting for this to happen tbh.


Remember you asked me what TRP was when you could have googled it.

Don’t resort to that. You end up looking like the Worgen.


If you don’t wanna get called out for typos, don’t make the typos 4head

Oh hey, I missed that (since I stopped paying attention to him).

The irony… oh the sweet, sweet irony.

EDIT: How much do you want to bet that he will quote and ping with this again despite the fact that I’m not replying to him?

Will do.

What is the meaning of burden of proof again?


Don’t lump me into your argument.

You’ve still yet to prove me wrong.

The fact you’re still sticking around trying to gotcha anyone is hilarious. :rofl:

I see you guys make typos all the time. I saw a dude misspell colour the other day. I mean it’s weird I just thought we were all going to accept how you’re all terrible spellers.

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I stopped replying to you above, and you included me in your argument against two other individuals when I actually support player choice.

As I said, he’ll end up looking like you.

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So i will be kind with you. Specifically because you answered my question.

Do you know what comes up when you type in TRP on google? It’s a stock ticker symbol among the companies profile as well as Ubran dictionary, wikipedia etc. etc. etc…

I’m just simply using their logic against them…it’s low hanging fruit in their case but apt.

What correct?

You seem adamant not to let that happen, hope you’ll use more against him than you did me, otherwise its not looking good for you. :man_shrugging:

Yes that’s exactly what’s happening here. It’s not looking good for me.



I’ll answer this…if you tell me whether or not you knew what Cezol wrote about the populations before he wrote it or did he school you about it?

“TRP WoW” :heart:

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