High Elf compromise

He’s even attacking someone who was only trying to help him lol

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Midare only has strokes when blood elves show up tbh.

I mean, I guess you can describe them as such.

The fact that you didn’t get it makes it so much funnier.

I mean same

Thats the ONLY thing i commented on.

NPC is NOT evidence. In no way anyine said you were wrong. Evidence is needed.

Cezol gave the calculations way afer you used npc numbers as evidence.

Talking to a wall is right indeed.


Oh no, I got it.

I really don’t need that sort of information from you.

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tmi homie.

Which isn’t entirely incorrect, if you look at NPC numbers as more of “appearance” numbers than anything, when taken with “This crack elite squad”, versus the multiple High Elf appearances in-game that have heavily consisted of army numbers.

Oh was that dirty?

Sorry, forgot i wasn’t twelve, i just thought we meant they’re gross to look at :man_shrugging:

OMG, poor thing…now it all makes sense. I am so sorry and here i got like 3 of them in here to try to help her all for naught as they all fell apart and ran away and still can’t answer questions.

I feel so bad now.

So are you going to answer the question…it’s pretty simple, here let me say it quote it for you:

Still waiting…did you know this already or not?

I did…but i also know that the in game supports what i said from looking at the settlements and factions in the game and then using some common sense along with the real world NPC numbers (even if we can kill them off and they infinitely respawn).

So did you?




It is both incorrect and unreliable.

Un named npcs that respawns upon killed like those void elves i mentioned. Does that mean there are infinite void elves?

Those npcs as goldshire. Are there 7000 of them? Of course not!

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I’m 14 actually thanks mate.

If I wanted to make a High Elf I already have the tools to do so in WoW. I’m a roleplayer. I can easily make a Human and use TRP to change it. I can easily make a Void Elf and use my imagination. You’re “barking” up the wrong tree. I only quoted you to try and stop you from making a fool out of yourself.

It didn’t work.


What is TRP?

I’d be ok with this “compromise”.

When Void Elves were first announced I thought they were going to be like Alleria…but then Blizzard as usual pulls its twist which goes south.

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Ok I’m gonna say it…

“B-but my Lotr fantasyyyyy!”

“What you mean WoW it’s a franchise of its own?? My lotr fantasyyyyyy!”

Not at all, there’s about 15 or 20, that’s what a squad usually is.

Sorry, but that isn’t the argument, my ability to “pretend” to be a High Elf isn’t the debate, its the WoW canon validity of High Elves playable addition, you’re arguing semantics for the sake of what? Ending the discussion?

Like i’ve told everyone, ever. You’re allowed to be against the idea. Let’s not kid ourselves by pretending that the game doesn’t support it, i’m deeply sorry your side doesn’t see that as valid. :man_shrugging:

It’s a mod for RPers that lets them change things such as their tooltip to include stuff like alternate races, a backstory section and their safe word.


Interesting. I did not know this, thank you for telling me about it. Is it like on curse or is it something else entirely?