High Elf compromise

The thing is that it cannot work both ways, either High Elves are plausible as supported by the game or they aren’t.

There is more evidence for than the against. Because most points brought up against the for do not follow what we’ve seen and what is canon within WoW.

I more than support peoples opinions to be against High Elves, i do not support using incorrect lore-logic to use as the against, because that is fundamentally untruthful, they’re not both allowed a platform, there is such a thing as a “more definitive side”.

Exactly. A lot of people (well, we know exactly which ones…) like to pretend that their advance in Zuldazar was negligible, but they put up one heck of a fight during assaults (well, canonically, in game, once I got geared I didn’t do those anymore).

The more they are around, the better.

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half elves, replace them with half elves, since according to ion, the alliance high elves assimilated and according elisande the queldorei are really not queldorei since they have diluted their bloodlines. by queldorei, she meant the silver covenant standing there.

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Sorry, I’m allergic to lies.

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I invite you to continue to try and disprove motors, as you’ve continuously failed to.

You understand running away contradicts you, correct? :joy:

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Yeah no.

I scrolled up. Nobosy said the NUMBERS were wrong. Just asking for proof. Motorz doesnt know what burdenn of proof means anyway.

Those things you just quote? Using npc as evidence. Come on. Dont tell me you really think npc is a good indicator?

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Yeah but trust me, you’re going to be far more satisfied playing a character that suits your fantasy, their surroundings are always going to feel secondary to that. Plus it’s your character, it’s your decision what choices she made, and who she decided to follow. That’s what the new customizations are all about, exploring the possibility of playing as members of your race who made different choices, and walked different paths.

That’s just how I’ve always seen it anyways. And I love my characters.

Sure sure, you can pretend that you’re up for a honest argument, but I know you.

Go play fetch or something.


This is another way of saying “No thanks, i’m too scared to”.

But hey man, that’s ok. It happens.

The proof is the Math, im sure you saw it on your way scrolling up.

The truth can also be considered in Ion’s own quote about Void Elves, “A crack elite squad”, as a versus to the expansions worth of siege worthy appearances we’ve seen the High Elves show.

Last i checked Siege worthy army is not less than a squad. :man_shrugging:

I do believe im right, as supported by in-game evidence. How is that not definitively right?

Like how they believe Void Elves out number High Elves when they very clearly don’t as supported by game and even the developer they worship?

This is what we call, incorrect. Sorry. :man_shrugging:

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Right… and you don’t know what burden of proof means. I am not dispproving that high elves have a greater populatiom than void elves, but npc numbers are a stupid indicator.

Un named npc that can endlessly respawn tend to bump the numbers way up.


All of this boils down to “I believe I’m right.”

You believe you’re right. So do the people on the opposite side that have given their lore-lectures on this game and why Alliance side High Elfs shouldn’t be in the game.


Still waiting for that proof you have to disprove what i said…i see nothing forthcoming. Also still waiting on

No matter HOW MANY TIMES you say this and tell yourself this, it doesn’t make it true.

And we have the backing away…

LOL, more backing away and of course we are STILL WAITING ON…

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Someone needs to learn to read. Or maybe it is me that needs to learn how to write.

Still waiting…

Edit: better yet, just point me to where you answered if you already knew what he wrote since i clearly missed it…or did i?

Don’t bother yourself. Honestly. You can already see from the replies you’re getting that it’s not worth the effort.


You’re speaking to a wall. He’s just waiting until you give up so he can claim he won. He needs this to feel better about himself, me thinks.


Your understand of burden of truth is still wrong though

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Right… just stop.

Stop feeding the gnomes/worgen. Whatever.

It never ends.


You still having that stroke?

That’s NOT the question that was asked…

And what you wrote in this quote isn’t even understandable…are you ok? Having a stroke?

How about you…did you know what Cezol wrote about the population or did you read it here for the first time when he wrote it?

You’re right, cause i gave you the game and developer supported answer.

What’s next? :bowing_man:

Better yet, here is a non-biased summation of the High Elf argument.

Before Midare cries biased, it is not. But if you want someone to hand-feed you the fact they are non-biased, here:

Midare, listen up sweetheart, he distinctly says in the beginning “I am not biased”, let’s not boil over just yet.