High Elf compromise

wait, now which one of you use to use the argument there arent enough high elves left, because you dont see more than 2 in bfa zones? remember the key here is, because you dont see more. who was that… which one of you? hmmm?

Not when they were never really hear to argue in the first place, its hilarious anyone ever thought any anti other than Murg was here to actually argue valid points in good faith.

It is and has always been “No, i just don’t want you to have them.”

Which is so hilariously and perfectly ok, that’s we call an “opinion”. But then they try to bring canon WoW logic to argue against it, woof. :rofl:

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Dude. No one says this is wrong.

They were asking for evidence, such as yours.

Then this guy used npc numbers as an evidence. Really? Who uses npc numbers as evidence?

Then the whole burden of truth thing, where he says everyone else have to proof him wrong.

Do the 2 of you even know what burden of truth means?


No actually, Midare, Snowsong and Aalis actively just said that that is wrong.

That could be easily turned around and said towards the “for” players.

But yes let’s continue to make blanket statements.

Google is hard to use for those people. You got to understand their hardship.

Dunno how you consider sourcing the very game we play to be “bad faith”.

Realistically speaking, numbers in general are a pointless argument all around.

Gnomergan refugees are supposed to be very small in number (no pun intended), Darkspear are supposed to be a tribe that was rescued from the verge of extinction. They had to pull a reason out of their rears for Forsaken not to face into nothing in Cata.

Lore numbers can change at any moment, but NPC numbers are also as irrelevant. RNG it’s involved on how many of those spawn, otherwise we wouldn’t see so many gnomes or Trolls around. Conversely, just not seeing enough of them is also as irrelevant, because those in charge of adding NPCs are just adding things to add things, to make areas seem more populated or busy, to add “flavor” to the world.

And there we have these two, that don’t consider any of this, make claims, don’t provide proof of their own claims, and pass things as “simple math”


Literally never said anything about bad faith just that your blanket statement could be turned against the “for” players.

It’s an opinion against an opinion and you’re just adamant yours is right. Same as people on the opposite end of your argument.


This is true. I mean when all you have is “we didn’t say he was wrong we were just asking for proof” because you can’t disprove something…but it’s fun to run them around in circles and watch them get all tied up and flustered and leave then come back for more.

It’s kind of funny, Opinion is that very thing that was quoted that i had to actually go back and slow down the conversation to get them to understand why something is quoted and replied directly too…i think we have found part of the problem though.

They all brought knives to a gun fight and are getting slaughtered, i wonder if they are having strokes, they seem to always be concerned about that.

You didn’t answer my question Cezol, do you think in-game NPCs are indicative of actual population numbers in WoW?


Again, sourcing the very game we all play. Is not opinion. It is fact. It is literally right there, viewable by all.

An opinion is, “I don’t think High Elves should be made playable”, which is perfectly fine and valid.

What isn’t an opinion is “There aren’t enough High Elves to be made playable”, which is factually incorrect according to what we’ve been told and what we see in game. :man_shrugging:

all i know is it bugs the heck outta me when i’m leveling my alliance, to encounter unplayable high elves because i’m suppose to believe they are mostly extinct and assimilated into alliance societies.

You should make a High elf when the new customizations come out!

It would be more logical and far more consistent (and it would stop teasing players) if they replaced those with Void elves. It would also give them presence.

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I never said anything about this.

I said your blanket statements cover the supporters as well. Calm down.

It’s still an opinion against an opinion as I’ve seen plenty on both side state the very game that they play as a reason for why they don’t want them in the game.

You just happen to disagree, and believe your opinion is fact. As I’m sure the other side does as well.

Are you going to reply to me about something someone else in this thread implied?

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Yes please!

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Oh really?

Did you not know what he wrote already? Is this the first time you saw it?

Be careful now because the answer you give matters.

Edit: not that i am expecting an answer because well you all already ran away and are trying to beat up on Cezol for coming to your rescue from your stupidity.

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I do feel like that’s the direction they’re going in now, as all throughout BFA I was always seeing Void elves, especially during assaults. They also accompanied Jaina into the Eternal Palace, and there were a couple of really cool Void elf mage bosses in the Kul’tiras assaults.

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not gonna lie - i might. but not a fan of horde writing. they made horde into villains. i’m not big on villains. like on star wars games, i always play the jedi not the sith. cause sith are creepy