High Elf compromise

There is nothing else to say, because you have no proof. So either i’m right and you are wrong…or i have showed now multiple times how there are more High Elves than Void Elves in the game, in lore in any situation you want.

You even tried to say that you didn’t say i was wrong and then you ran away when i linked where you did.

Still waiting for any of the 3 of you …or is it 4 now to disprove me.

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Yea but it’s so much more fun to watch them go in circles and not be able to provide proof of something i stated then backtrack away from reality and say stupid stuff like “burden of proof is on you” and " you don’t know what burden of proof is" and “but we just asked, we didn’t say he was wrong”…I wonder if they are having a stroke.

“You can’t prove to me the sky isn’t green! I win! I win!”


I can’t accuse you of being wrong until you actually prove you’re right, otherwise there’s no evidence. Your only form of proof was NPC numbers, which any rational person knows are not accurate. You really need to take a step back and breathe.


DiD would have made sense on the horde.

Personally I just want a few model options for every race. I know it’s not likely though. I always want more customization options.

What part of endless respawns did you not get?

Endless. Infinite. Do i need to use a thesaurus for you?

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man we’ve been saying this since before we even knew devs were making void elves. we kept saying, well what about making their silhouette different. and we were told no because they havent been separate from their own culture long enough to develop differently.

now ion says theyve been assimilating all this time. assimilating means adapting and adopting a host culture. they could definitely sustain a different silhouette but the devs didnt want to put that much work into it, apparently. so rather than our own elves, we got our own drow x2. i’m a different flavor drow. youre a nature drow, and i’m a nutcase drow.

LOL, i don’t need to tell myself anything, i am just watching you all walk in circles trying to figure out what to do and how to reply as you all backtrack away with “he is trolling” “he is going to just outlast us and claim victory” etc. etc. etc.

Yeah i dealt with one today who tried to claim different trolls tribes are different races, she promptly quieted down and stayed silent.

It’s either that or they fall back to personal attacks or futurama videos, it’s so sad to see the anti movement fall so deeply, i miss Murg :cry:.

Are you roleplaying?

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If he is, it’s not very convincing.


I said good day! (You still don’t get the reference do you? Figures.)

On another note, i am tired of talking to a brick wall that contridicts himself and only says he is right.

Oh come to think of it, you two would make the best buddies!

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Aww hit a nerve sweetheart?

Pretty sure i wasn’t talking to you. :wave:

Unless you wanna start trying to prove your point, or just walk away again. :kissing_heart:

I am the true night warrior ready to rain down justice for teldrassil.

Are you ready to kneel to your murloc overlords? They are always respawning… there are millions of them… billions even!

The dream it’s been crushed, I simply look at them from a distance and sigh longingly like the creep I am.

That’d be nice in general, it makes no sense my priest has the build of a olympic swimmer.

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Here is some 4D chess for you but it will probably go over your head. How do i know that the color you see through your eye’s isn’t the same as green in my eyes?

Clearly already forgot the earlier part of the thread where i showed you that you had…how shocking you forget so easily.

But there are more endless spawns of High Elves if we are using NPCS…thus multiple infinities…just more for the High Elves, or does higher Math elude you? Haven’t worked with those types of figures before?



I don’t understand.

Is this the accompanying helpful image for the reference


What?? You mean Sylvanas was hiding in Orgimmar with Garrosh and Saurfang all along!?

Right… u continue to be buddy buddy with the gnome alright?

Talking to a brick wall and a gnome that can’t google the meaning of burden of truth.

I am too old for this stuff.