High Elf compromise

You know, I didn’t want to outright say it. But the reason why you keep on saying that people asking you to prove your claims are saying you’re wrong… it’s because deep inside you know you are wrong.


if you also cant prove him wrong, then asking for proof is disingenuous because there is not enough evidence to make a judgement call on, to begin with. iotw, if both sides cant prove their position, the subject is currently only capable of sustaining personal opinion.

No one said he is wrong, people simply asked for proof.

He’s the one that keeps on saying others said he’s wrong.


:womans_hat: :cactus:

but if you never proved your claim in the first place… I don’t understand.


ah k. /10 hares jumping over a fence

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Hah! Two can play at that game!

The void elves are at zul dazar! Thise void elf invasion NPCs? They endlessly respawn!

There. You use npc as evidence, so could i.

Then they’re right to call him out. What you’re suggesting is that in the absence of evidence whoever speaks first is right.

Well his proof is based on the number of npc so…


There are more apples in world of warcraft than oranges.

Prove me wrong.

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I’ve never complained about kul tirans being different. I just am a fan of the idea of high elves having their own model.


Did you have a stroke…are you ok?

That’s NOT how that works. There are 2 sides…either i am wrong or i am right.

Because if you don’t have anything to disprove what i said…AND YOU DON’T then i am right and you have nothing. It’s not an argument to straddle and say it’s not a thing if you can’t disprove what i said.

The first one tried that until i showed her where she did say i was…keep trying though.

Edit:You don’t get to imply i’m wrong by saying prove i’m right. I showed you my evidence…you have nothing to refute it. Egro by definition i am right.

This is actually the first time I’ve ever seen anyone do that unironically.

no i suggest if both sides know they cant prove their position, then its not really anything but a difference of opinion. arguing differences in opinion is fine, but expecting one to have proof when you dont have proof for your position either is a waste of time

Now we can use NPC’s if you want but there are WAY MORE High Elf NPC’s in the game then Void elves…so either way i win.

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He came in, claimed something, I asked for proof and then he told me I didn’t have proof that he was wrong so… I don’t know really what else to say to him. lol


Well, everything between 570 and 620 on a colour wheel is orange, meaning there’s at least 3 millionish variations of orange. There’s like 100 apple varieties.

You can’t use npc as evi…

Clever girl

Then… prove your claim if you have it.

See? No mention of being right or wrong, just asking for proof.

You don’t even have the proof…

But again, you’re being purposefully disingenous so people gives up and you can tell yourself you won.

You didn’t, but the decisions blizzard makes are not based on a single person.

if that were the case, I’d be a DiD in the Horde.

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The sad part is that it’s simple math, 90% of all remaining Elves of Quel’thalas are Blood Elves, 10% are High Elves and Void Elves are a developer described Elite squad of Blood Elf researchers, in no conceivable way is there more Void Elves than 10% of the remaining Elves of Quel’thalas in High Elves. :man_shrugging: