High Elf compromise

Humans didn’t used to have purple eye shadow, but now they do. Dark Irons have the same aesthetic they always had, it was just refined and tweaked.

Called it.

We’ve been here before. How many times people have complained about the fact that Kultirans look the way they do now it’s inconsistent?

But if it’s for the pretty elves inconsistencies are ok?

Not two individuals of the same race will look the same in real life… but this is not real life. Options in game are limited.
When it comes to lore, it’s stated that there have been no changes between the two, even the eye color thing it’s flimsy at best.

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I’m still here waiting for your argument i’m wrong.

But i’m sure you are “tired” so you will have to leave.

Well? Where is it?

Burden of proof is on you man.

You made the claim, you gotta back it up with proof. Not the other way round.


Man, that stroke it’s doing a number on your brain cells.


good example of denial of lore. danuser polygon interview destroys their numbers argument ‘what interview ion said crack squad’

meanwhile the last piece of every lore source of ‘high’ elves is they are only a few and extremely rare in actual alliance territory. even the developers bring it up every time they have talked about them :laughing:

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I’ve already outlined my argument the burden of proof is on YOU to prove me wrong.

It’s like all of you guys just parrot each other. Let me know when you have that proof.

Are you okay? Lol


I’m fine, are you ok? Still waiting on that proof.

But of course i know you have none.

Just as i know there are more High Elves in and working for the Alliance than Void Elves.

I don’t know what it is you want me to proof? I just asked for evidence of what you claimed.

We’re all just really wondering if you’re okay at this point.


legend has it he is still waiting to this day


I know right?

I really can’t believe anyone who would use npc numbers as evidence.

He has got to be trolling at this point. Nobody is THAT… how do i put it elegantly… mentally challenged?

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“The primary colours are bullscheisse.”
“Would you like to elaborate on that?”

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I’ll just leave this here:

Man do you even know what burden of proof means?

Looking at the previous posts, apparantly not.

Peace out!


Press :fist: :cloud: to show respect.


I think everyone here who’s way into high elves needs to be immediately deported to a third world country to learn the important values of life and GETTING OVER THINGS!

And i gave it…still waiting on you to prove me wrong. Oh wait your the one who was trying to say you weren’t trying to say i was wrong…then i showed you and you ran away from the stupidity.

And i have said i’m fine.

Yes i am. Still waiting for 3 of you now to prove i’m wrong that there are more Void Elves than High Elves working for and in the Alliance based on the factions and locations associated with each group in the game and in all other texts…still waiting for ANY of you 3 to put your heads together and disprove me.

Ever going to do it or is all you have is “burden of proof is on you” and NO U…lol

And there we have it, another one who has nothing…still waiting.

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Excuse me, as someone who lives in a borderline 3rd world country I’ll say … no, please no.

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Well, that was certainly a constructive addition to this mess.