High Elf compromise

Sarcasm mode on.

Blood elves make up about 40% of the horde player base. Their population is clearly more than the orcs, trolls and tauren combined guys.

Sarcasm mode off.

Npc numberds, like playable characters numbers, are not indications of a specific race populations.

Get that into your head.


It seems to me the only way you can make the argument is if it’s a Void-Form like Worgen can transform between human and wolf form.

Problem is, you’re asking to shift between Void Elf form and High Elf Form.

This is problematic for 3 reasons:

  1. The racial already puts you in the void form, it’s redundant
  2. High Elves are still just Blood Elves
  3. It takes away from Horde/Blood Elf Identity

If you just give Alliance a Horde skin, then next thing you know is Blizzard will have to give Horde Dwarves or Humans. It’s a slippery slope

At that point why even have warcraft if the horde and alliance are just the same.

Same thing, innit?


But they did come in with an explanation as to why they look different.

High elves have been around, isn’t that why you want them. And they have always shared the same model, and it’s been stated in the lore that they look the same as the majority of the high elves in the Horde.

No, I didn’t, I just said that what you said made no sense. My proof of it? Right on your posts. Snow asked for proof for your claim and didn’t say you were wrong either

You made the claim about NPC numbers or something, I’m not even sure anymore at this point.

The fact that you keep on saying that Snow or me are saying you’re wrong, it’s very telling though.

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I literally copied that from Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.

How is that my opinion?


Mein gott man.

“The sky is green”
“No it’s not”

Where does the burden of proof lie?


It means he’s got nothing and he’s just stalling until people gets tired of his gibberish and simply give up so he can claim victory.

No one cares because as you already said

They don’t matter because within the game they are only considered 1 individual.

Get this in your head since you can’t tell me any population numbers and have no clue how to argue it.

Where are all of the Void Elves? Now tell me where all the High Elves are…then use some common sense (which you clearly lack) and figure out the numbers aren’t even close. And no amount of you saying they are matters.

Part of what makes Void Elves special is they are a “crack squad”…as per the devs, nothing more. Now off you go child. Let me know when you can actually show me hard numbers, until then High Elves VASTLY outnumber Void Elves.

Since reading comprehension escapes you…let me go over it again.

THIS IS WHAT I QUOTED…now i know thats tough for you to understand because well the whole you don’t do reading comprehension.

This is what i said in reference to WHAT I QUOTED.

Have i slowed down enough for you to catch up?

Yeah. The guy is just a troll not worth our time.

Stop feeding him and he will lose interest eventually.

Guy literally doesn’t know what burden of proof means after explaining to him by different people.

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Still waiting on that proof you were going to get me since common sense and 2 other people can’t hold your hand.

Kul tirans have been around too. They never looked different until this expac. Dark irons also got new customization.

Also show me where in the lore it states that every high elf is identical in height, build, etc. I’ll wait.

Also high elves were once represented in game by night elf models too, that’s just the model that was used at the time. There wasn’t a lore reason for sylvanas going from nelf to fanserviced belf model, it’s just once they made the belf model they used it for her as well.

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Still looking for that common sense you’re speaking of.

I’m also still looking for where I said you were wrong.

And also, I’m looking for where you provide proof for your own claims because, as hard as this is to comprehend (it seems) if you will claim something, you have to back it up.

But hey, it’s 3 am, I might be going to sleep soon and you can go off about how you “totally pwnd” me with your “flawless logic”.


He’s a gnomie, homie.

No proof once again. Doesn’t address the stupidity of the previous statement because i had to slow down the conversation to a crawl to explain reading comprehension of quoted material

Running away as usual…shocking? No not really.

And you don’t even know what opinion is when it is pointed out right in your face.

Let me know when you get that proof i’m wrong other then…

Destroyed by

Thanks for playing…another anti shredded.

See above. I know common sense eludes you but so does reading comprehension.

And there we have it, the backing away from stupidity with “i’m tired”.

Dark Irons always looked different to other dwarves.

This guy. Are you for real? Using npc numbers as indicators? There are un named npcs.

How do you even count those?

Not as different as the playable models look.

Let me know when you can figure things out. Let me know about all those Void Elves and where they are hiding…until then just look at all of the High Elf Settlements and organizations that exist.

Off you go now, you have some work to do.