High Elf compromise

Like Nightborn got???

Of the same race, can we not keep going back and forth.

If you don’t see how Nightborne and Night Elves are more different than Blood Elves and High Elves, then there is no point continuing this

So… you said a bunch of nothing, you didn’t provide proof (but then again, anecdotal evidence hardly can have that anyway) and then you proclaimed victory.

I would /pet you and tell you to keep trying, but gnomes are gross so, touching it’s a no-no.


They are the same race what do you mean.

Your eng goggles are not working if you think Nightborne are the same skin tone as Night Elves.

The only thing they share is the skeleton

I would really love to know how antis aren’t permaed by this point you are literally claiming someone is having a stroke and attacking them. But yep defs no bias in moderation what a tragic joke.


Bzzzzt wrong

h ttps://i.redd.it/30db25i60ju01.png

Thank you try again do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars

I DON’T have to provide the proof…YOU DO.

Yes because you can’t disprove what i said. Until you can…thank for playing and making me laugh.

No one cares.

He is literally making no sense.

He made a claim, didn’t provide proof of said claim, went on a tirade about having no proof doesn’t prove him wrong and then proclaimed victory.

But sure, what matters is that I’m against high elves, ergo, I’m “wrong” by default despite that he had no argument to begin with.

I swear…


even reasonable helfers admit their numbers dont match the ‘crack squad’ comment in game and keep growing. the evidence is more supportive of them being able to turn other elves into velfs, rather than them being unable to. youre just upset you cant disprove danuser and his comments settle the issue with void elf numbers


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And yet when the Horde has the same thing happen (Vulpera and mechagnomes) there’s an outpouring of people upset the Horde got something new instead of a modification of something already in the faction.

Visual diversity matters in a video game. Deal with it fam.

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The lengths some people will go to in their Blood-Elf-Envy

You can play it horde or you can play void elf alliance.

Ion will never add high elves he’s already admitted this in the q&a
Ion is the lead director

You are trying to say i’m wrong…prove it.

See we are back where the other one left off, because she tried to run away by deflection, lets see if you can do better.

Disprove what i said.

We are talking about the man who raised fallen night elves as fanatically loyal horde soldiers “totally not mced” and had his self insert beat Tyrande who was empowered with the wrath of elune and was only saved from being turned into another of his waifus by Malf intervening. His lore knowledge is extremely questionable.

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running away I see.

I’m well aware that you don’t know what “burden of proof” is, no need to remind me each time we enter an exchange dude.

Make an argument that makes sense instead of proclaiming victory over nothing and then I’ll consider wasting my time a little longer.


Void Elves are correpted blood elves, so suited to the Alliance. Your welcomed to them.

I’m just telling it like it is, don’t blame the messenger I don’t make the game decisions.

Another thing, how the hell do you guys justify the Void Elf racial on a High Elf skin.

It just doesn’t work. You’re not getting it and Ion said as much.