High Elf compromise

Are you having a stroke?


get well soon my little gnome

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Skin tones of the same race you mean. Or do you think they arent the same race? And that the leader of this faction of highelfs is permanently purple too?

Nightborne are a different race with different models, much like void elves

Uh no they aren’t lol they have a night elf skeleton and slight facial and ear changes. Just like blueberry elves but for some reason it’s okay for them to have night elf skin colors but not for blueberry elves to be able to look like high elves.

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Void elves don’t have a different model.

And we are back where we started…you got nothing. Thanks for proving you have nothing, i appreciate it.

It can sound whatever it sounds like…you still have nothing and no point other then conjecture. Let me know when you can prove me wrong. Until then lulz

Nope…unless you think laughing at you and snow is having a stroke, then yes i am.

Way to back out from making a nothing burger. Thanks for the laughs, both of you, i appreciate it. You successfully said nothing but showed the world you like to say things you know nothing about…so there is that.

the lead narrative designer stated that this is happening. he did so in response to a question, where are void elf numbers coming from if they start as a ‘crack squad’

if they want to explain or show it later thats fine, doesnt mean it isnt occurring. devs trump biased fans


Yes they are

Get well soon Motorz. We’re all rooting for you.

No, but they are a different race than blood elves

Nightborne and nightelfs are the same. Unless you are imply from the legion cutscene where they call the nightelfs by the elven name then the blood elfs then the… oh the other highelfs by the name they go by.

Hey, you can’t ask for proof without proof! - Motorz 2020

The point is High Elves are too similar to Blood Elves. You already got Void Elves be happy with it

Sure, laughing and totally not just speaking gibberish.

I would offer to call you an ambulance but, alas, I live in a different country.

More distinct that what High elves would get.

Make me laugh some more with a nothing burger argument anytime you want to provide me with more laughter…another non-argument from some anti pulled apart with ease, thanks for the laughs.

I can understand the gibberish part…clearly you need to practice english more. Take Snow with you, reading comprehension isn’t his strong suit either.

Save it for yourself, you might need it someday. Until then thanks for more laughs. Another argument destroyed with ease by me. Thank for the fun though, glad to see you guys bow out before you dig yourselves deeper into stupidity.

Still hasn’t explained how. Again void elves were created by interrupting a ritual meant to transform blood elves into ethereals, until they can actually explain how that was recreated they are blowing smoke.

So people cant ask for skin tones? Hmm let’s not go down that road. People can and should ask for skin tones.

You’re asking for a skin tone of a race that already exists.

They are as different from blood elves as high elves and people here claim that high elves and blood elves are the same race despite fel contamination.

Again I’m not talking about lore I’m talking about in game nightborn and night elves use the same skeleton.