High Elf compromise

Are you suggesting that I have no proof that you have no proof?

What on earth lol

Good thing Iā€™m asking for skin tones, itā€™s ok if you dont understand.

I already said what proof i have, i can look in the game and see the difference in populationā€¦YOU are saying i have no proof and apparently you are also trying to say that your not saying that. By definition i am rightā€¦until YOU prove i am not.

But you got nothing as we already established.

you cant handle the proof!


I think youā€™re mistaking ā€œproofā€ with what is actually ā€œanecdotal evidenceā€.


So are you saying that youā€™re counting the npcs?

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But did he measure the femurs?


Numbers are numbersā€¦ you only have conjecture. Good try though.

Are you saying your not?

Iā€™m really confused as to what heā€™s saying lmao

He came in claiming something, I asked for proof, and then he told me I didnā€™t have proof, of what? Iā€™m still not sure.

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You have zero proof you have made a claim danuser has said something which frankly who cares what undead waifu man says but there is no explanation of how the ritual can be recreated.

Thatā€™s because you clearly lack reading comprehensionā€¦i think i found the problem.

Okay, did you count all 7,000 citizens in Goldshire too?

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Iā€™d be more interested in making a race already allied with the alliance playable with model variations than making up some new race just to give them another blue/purple elf.


Skin tones of another race. No need to get snippy

Still waiting on your proof iā€™m wrongā€¦Or is it ever forth coming? Or is your proof that Goldshire has 7k citizens?

No, you striking lines in a piece of paper based solely on what you see instead of taking into account the entire picture, itā€™s indeed anecdotal evidence.

Iā€™m not sure either, like ā€œYou have no proof that I have no proof!ā€ but then he for a moment had a moment of clarity where he almost admitted he had no proof, and then he doubled down.

At first I thought I was missing something due to english being my second lenguage, but no, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s just gibberish at this point.

And you stating blah blah blah is just conjecture. Itā€™s not evidence of anything other thanā€¦conjecture. Good try once again.

Not shocked you lack reading comprehension when the best you can do is ā€œstrike lines in a piece of paperā€ as if it meant something.

Hereā€™s a compromise. lets rename Void elves to High Elf ancestors. Then give them the 2 forms ability like worgen. That Void elf stuff can be turned on and off like a certain other elf who controls the Void. :thinking:

Which is apparently fine for nightborn

I mean, youā€™re counting NPCs in game as if they indicate actual population numbers, so I think that sums up this conversation pretty well to anyone reading it. :blush:

Yeah it sounds like he talked himself into a hole, and really canā€™t figure out how to get himself out. I guess you need proof to ask someone for proof. lmao