High Elf compromise

Alliance has three core races with human skin tones, unless worgen count, then 3.5. And then 1.5 for allied races with kul’tiran and mechgnomes. We have draenei, and night elves for blue and purple. 1.5 furry races with panda and worgen. And then grays and charcoal and stuff for DiD, velf grayish blues and purples, and .5 robot weirdness with the mechs.

Throwing in high elves wouldn’t have been throwing balance off much. We have a total of 5 human ish tones, and 7 in the other category pretty much.

And if covenants end up providing are, blue humans, and night fae unless we end up with venthyr.

And anyway, the fact that we have 5 races with human skintones shows that it’s definitely not horde exclusive.


Neither do you…we have common sense and what exists in the game, you have nothing.

Prove we are wrong.

danuser has already expanded on this

void elves start as a crack squad, but can bolster their numbers from other elves that seek them out. why cant you understand that it is blizzard, not us, who keeps bringing up the population issue in regards to alliance high elves(no settlements/too few)

referring to ions quote when they were announced is outdated and just looks disingenuous at this point


I didn’t make the image but sure I might mess with that tomorrow if I get bored. The image was made multiple years ago I just dug through my bookmarks.

Well I’m not the one trying to establish an opinion as fact, so I don’t really need proof of anything. The burden of proof is on you my friend, and unless you can start providing some actual numbers you can’t go around pointing your finger at the injustice of it all.

How? How can they bolster their squad??? They were created by a freak accidental interruption in the middle of a completely different ritual. The only other way to make one is a consume the core of a dark naaru there aren’t many of those sitting around.

I don’t really care what the horde biased dev team is pushing at this point it’s very clear they do not care about the alliance in the slightest.


Not equivalent stop being hypocritical.

I don’t want squid flavor, nor am I asking for human skin tones for void elves.

Playable alliance high elves is what I will keep asking for.


So you have no proof, got it.

If you want to say we are wrong…then you have to have proof. You got nothing.

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I’m not trying to prove anything, you are.

You came in making a statement, I asked for proof, you failed to provide. End of story.

Unless you’re asking for proof of me asking for proof? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Honestly if anyone thinks adding a race ruins the other faction they are dumb. people pick the faction then the race. Because it’s the faction’s story that makes them want to play. If you put a Blood elf player and a High elf player “metaphorically” and tell them the stories the blood elf player might be like hey I like the allaince more good thing I can be that race over there. same with the Helf player with the horde. That is why I play both factions because I like the games story regardless of it’s awkward moments. Also i’d like to know how void elfs can make more. beause if other elfs join them they wouldn’t be purple if we get the velf leader teaching them. Because her way of doing it doesn’t make you perma purple.


You are trying to prove we are wrong…and you can’t. So you got nothing.

So did you.

So did i.

So did you.

End of story.

See how that works. Those who throw stones.

Ok so you already have them in the game stop asking for duplicate races.

Where was I trying to prove you wrong? I asked for proof behind your statement, that is all.

And what statement was that?

They very clearly favor the horde to deny that at this point is insane. They literally gave the most popular non allocated race to the horde when they were facing the population gap alliance is currently. Now though they throw up their hands and say we have tried nothing and we are all out of ideas.

Or were you trying to say we are right?

you mean the top 1% of raiding guilds? youre not even part of that 1% tho

That wasn’t my point. My point is that if you were a Blizzard artist and almost half of the races on a faction had the same skintones, can you not see how they might want to mix it up a bit? You’re only looking at elves and making a judgement based on that, but elves don’t have any special status.

Saying you have no proof isn’t saying you’re right, or wrong, it’s saying that you have no proof of either.


Neither do you. Ok then, we are right.