High Elf compromise

The Alliance can have 12+ skin color options between their elf races and we get… 2… for reasons.

a nightborn cannot be mistaken for a night elf. the model was changed(upswept ears and idle) and they still have jet blue skintones that cant be mistaken for a night elf. just as a void elf cannot be mistaken for a blood elf(high elf)

Well the obvious answer is because of 6 core races 3 and a half of the Alliance ones are people coloured and of the ARs 2 are people coloured.

I didn’t say they purposely shafted the alliance please don’t put words in my mouth. What I did say was Void elf should have the Blood elf/High Elf “same race as void elf” skin tones because im staying on topic. You bring up Night elf/Nightborne on a void elf topic. I indulged you once again that means I gave you an answer that was off the forum topic. If you want a forum topic about Nightborne needing more skin tones and perhaps they should have the Night elf skin tone then please make a forum about it and I will 100% agree. But the subject matter is purple elfs for alliance non as well as purple for the horde.

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In his magic world he has to always be right and only be given things that push more towards the horde getting more options. While it makes no sense nor should it matter if alliance get X because he will still be horde.

This is definitely you making it out as if Blizzard favors the Horde over the Alliance, and purposely pushes things for the Horde to shaft the Alliance, it’s literally the first thing you quoted me with, so it’s entirely appropriate that I bring up the discrepancy between Nightborne and Night elves.

Nightborne have three. They need more. But my point was that the alliance can’t have variety in color palettes for their elves, but the horde can.

Also the three nightborne have are different from each other, where as several void elf skin tones are blue gray, slightly blue gray, purple gray, etc.

You want more skintones for your night elf copy ask for them, I will support it. But don’t ask for the alliance to be excluded from a particular skin aesthetician when the horde has two different options to pick from.


You mean my world of wanting people to have options on the alliance and more options for the horde elfs? man you are right my magic world is wanting both sides to gain more, what a horrible world I want.


I prefer … Horde … And I don’t know what benefit there is to telling everyone to play Horde?

Folks want a compromise…ok how about this.

Make Alliance High Elves playable (ie. Silver Covenant proper High Elves with the white Sclera in the eyes) but limit it to two per account per server. One male and one female can be made and that is it for each account on each server they play.

How’s that for a compromise?


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That’s because we are horde UwU
Ally get nothing, that’s just how things are now

This ‘compromise’ is no different than giving Alliance a playable horde race

The Alliance also has a dire lack of unique skin tones. As I said of a total of 12 races almost half of them have the same skin tone. The Horde has one who shares that tone, so said tone is not nearly as omnipresent.

This isn’t something we decided. The fact that the Alliance didn’t get yet another race in the same colour was decided by Blizzard. Trying to suggest it is somehow hypocritical of us is weird because it was the art team who decided that.

Void elfs have the same racials as the blood elfs? oh dang wish I knew that.

Nah. I want high elves with no restrictions like that, and no arbitrary rules that the horde can have multiple flavors but we just get the one.

Leave the void elves voidy, and give us high elves!

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avarie you finally came out for this. now i can safely say it is no longer about the lore for you either

high elf fantasy belongs to the horde and is waiting. if you want to be one of the handful of high elves at odds with silvermoon void corrupted high elves are there for you with their own distinct flavor!

The three shade available to Nightborne are literally light blue, medium blue, to dark blue, while the Night elves have a myriad of different colored undertones to their skins, and the Void elves actually have far more variation to their skin shades than the Nightborne as well.

You’re the one complaining about the discprenancy in skin colors between the elf races on the Alliance and Horde while having MORE skin options for your elf races than the Horde does. I’m confused as to where you’re getting off telling me to “ask” for more, when I’m responding to your curious statement in the first place.

Alliance players are just so needy :roll_eyes:

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“Ok give Orcs a human skin customization where they look like humans but still have orc racials”

is that really your argument

Blood Elves and Void Elves are different races

Why would someone supporting VE options for VE fans have anything to do with the Alliance HE request?

Try again

h ttps://i.redd.it/30db25i60ju01.png