High Elf compromise

You also brought up the discrepancy in skin colors between the Alliance elf skins and the Horde elf skins, so it’s only appropriate that I bring up other discrepancies where the Horde got shafted, because it’s certainly not the case of “Blizzard is out to get the alliance”

Oh and I guess when the nightborne where told we’d get those if they where you know Pale skinned that’d have gone over really well. once again you look over the facts because it was a switch and bait. If some one shows you a red sports car then swaps it for a dingy truck after you bought it you’d be upset.

When the conversation is about whether or not you can see a color, it’s actually appropriate. Although I’m really done humoring your attempt at cherry picking fights. You really should stop that, because it doesn’t look good at all.

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Skin is the most consistent visual identifier unless you wear a helmet you can basically make a nightborn look like a nightelf not all variations of a night elf but some. So why is that okay for horde and not for alliance.

Yes please stop insulting people in arguing, I find it best to argue in good faith.


I brought up the Blood elf skin tones because those would be the High Elf skin tones. I didn’t bring up the Nightborne skin tones because those aren’t the High elf skin tones. Do you see now? You brought up the nightborne so I indulged you with an answer that makes sense to me and pretty much anyone.

And in that respect at least the Nightborne were given their own unique model, and didn’t just blatantly steal the Night elfs.

Man that’s a bad metaphor. What you should have said was you wanted a peach coloured sports car and got a blue coloured sports car.

We can agree to disagree on what is, and isn’t considered an insult.

It’s okay for horde to have a purple/blue elf option, and an elf with human skintones, but the alliance can only have blue/purple because…reasons.


Ye that’s better use that one instead. I’m about to go to bed thanks for correcting me. But you get it at least I assume you do.

You can’t steal a model that they made btw.

And I brought up the Night elf skin tones because you’re asking for Blood elf skin tones for void elves, and how Blizzard was purposely shafting the Alliance, my example simply showed that the Horde got shafted with their elf variant too.

They literally have the same skeleton want me to go make a nightborn that pretty much looks exactly like a night elf right now?

They didn’t and it’s incredibly dishonest to claim they did.

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youre not really saying anything here monori. void Elves are the variant, not the standard, and they trod their own path

if you want normal skin tones then thats a blood elf(DUH)

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To be fair the leader of the void elves (alleria) has non purple skin so there it is obviously possible.


Nightborn are the variant not the standard if you want purple colored skin tons there is still the night elves and nightborn wait something seems off there.


Please stand them next to each other and tell me their models are the same. Heck one is substantially larger than the other, with a different posture, and animations while the Void elf model… is literally a clone.

Sure thing there was a picture floating around for a while let me see if I can find it if not I will remake it.