High Elf compromise

She’s honestly kind of full of thinly veiled passive aggressive remarks about people and pretends to act innocent and objective in the discussion.

It’s irritating and dishonest, to be quite frank.

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And two wrongs make a right? I’m confused, but you were also telling HE fans they had no right to request earlier, so perhaps I’m paying more attention to things you’re saying. Both are wrong though.

Goblins were “Horde-Related” before they became a Horde Race.
High Elves were “Alliance-Related”… before they became a Horde Race

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. High Elves belonged to the Alliance Longer then the Blood Elves existed on the Horde. Alliance as much, if not MORE, right to High Elves and High Elven Themes then the Horde does.


Eh, whatever, I’m seeing artists have a field day with it on different outlets I go to. :man_shrugging:

I’m more curious as to why you chose to ignore his insult, and yet quote my observation toward him not being able to discern green?

Earlier didn’t you claim that you call out both sides? :thinking:


What do you need elaboration on exactly? You pointed it out, I said both were wrong. But yeah mocking color blindness versus just telling someone to check again or check their eyes, I would say I say stuck out to me, hence why I saw that and not the other.

It took me bringing it up for you to acknowledge his insult, and yet it was me you cherry picked and quoted, despite the fact that my quote was in response to his.

It sounds more like you’re trying to pick fights again… Which I can’t understand your interest in trying to argue with people.

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FIrst off im an orc, so they didn’t shaft me. secondly i understand how the Nightborne got shafted and there are plenty of forms about Nightborne getting more options. This is about void elfs not needing to be purple because Horde has two elf races as does allaince but the alliance only get the purple varaity when it was assumed because of alleria that void elfs would be like normal elfs but have a void form. But i get it you don’t see that well so i understand this concept is hard to grasp.


This seems like a weird “don’t question your superiors” remark.

Sorry, I just don’t operate that way. I tend to prefer to think for myself and disagree even if a final decision is made.

As I said before, I shudder to think if people just took this mentality to class design. Voidform was a bad design with Shadow Priests, as well.

It’s not overexaggerating, it’s my opinion.

If you don’t want it I’ll take it lol, it’s pretty good from a RP standpoint and character artworks in the future.


Yes, it took you pointing out something I didn’t see to say both were wrong. What is your point, you’re still both wrong for insulting each other, you mocking color blindness sticks out more when skimming the thread.

I mean, you made it a conversation about how the Alliance were getting shafted in terms of customization, and how the Horde got some skin colors that the Alliance didn’t, despite the fact that the Alliance night elves have a much wider variety of skin colors.

you guys manufactured this consent by yourselves

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My point you clearly didn’t quote me because you felt my post was “insulting” but rather to pick a fight. You’re simply looking for things to argue about at this point.

Your post was insulting.

This was also insulting.

But yes yours sticks out because you started your statement with the insult, hence why I saw it and not the other. Both are wrong.

Could the anti he faction please explain one thing to me. Why are you not agitating to force the change of nightborn to a flesh skinned tone? Why is okay for nightborn to have purple skin yet the alliance “compromise” had to be turned into hot topic elves.

Is assuming someone is color blind an insult?

And the fact that you cherry-picked my response makes it hard for me to believe that you honestly quoted me because you felt my post was insulting.

Stop picking petty fights.

I said skin tones for the void elfs, because this thread is about High elf being a skin tone option for Void elfs. Or did you forget that? If this was a Nightborne thread I’d have said let the Nightborne have the Night elf options since they are the same race. But I guess you forgot what the thread was about?


I think we can say you can argue without questioning if someone is color blind.

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So why are you okay with nightborn being purple? Shouldn’t that be reserved for alliance since the alliance elves had to be colorshifted? I mean unless of course you are engaging in base hypocrisy.