High Elf compromise

Okay, so you really have no place talking about how Blizzard “did you wrong” and how you’re being shafted in skin color options when our allied race got absolutely no options at all. Should we all be stomping our feet asking for all the Night elf skin colors too?

Yes because green only comes in one shade right? It’s literally a shade of green, you can run it through an HTML color coder and see it for yourself, but I doubt you will.

absolutely. nb dont have an identical model to night elves.

So the effort in compromising with the Alliance by giving them a Blood elf model with a different skin tone is somehow now evidence that you deserve to look like Blood elves? Do you not see the hypocrisy in this?

Jewelry we don’t even know is confirmed for them is now blowing the rest of the races out of the water? You’re literally judging the new customizations before they’re even all released, so you really need to tone it down. Blood elves are barely getting anything more than the other races.

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to be fair, pandaren are getting totally shafted on customizations

my hunter is ready for farstrider tattoos to be data mined in future builds


Yes, we didn’t even get the Night elf model, and not even close to the amount of customization options available to them, while you got the horde model and a dozen more options.

It sounds like that some people personally don’t like the theme, but they certainly didn’t get shafted in terms of the Void elves.

this makes sense. blue eyes for belfs, make sense. what doesnt make sense is trying to withhold elf skin from elves. its weird.

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nope. only thing we got a decent spread on was hair styles and you still had like 10 more than that. i dont begrudge you your options. i’m irritated that my only choice to look like an elf and not the creature from n’zoth’s lagoon, is if i join the faction that just genocided the nelfs. honestly, this game is kinda psycho right now.

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But Why???

For Teldrassil!


Oh Lord, the irony of a Blood Elf player accusing me of being entitled.

But no, from a lore standpoint I don’t personally view the Void Elves as a compromise unless Blizzard develops the lore in the way that all the High Elves that are Alliance loyal come to join them and follow Alleria.

Which is what I would prefer over the common anti-helf or Blood Elf fanboy request to have them leave the Alliance and bolster the Blood Elf populace, something of which does deprive the Void Elves from recruitment opportunity or help give them more RP background besides just the Blood Elf turncoat backstory.

It kind of is confirmed though? It’s literally jewelry done in the Sin’dorei signature style.

But sure, let’s go with the “it’s too soon to say” argument because I know what’s done is pretty much done and they won’t change it either way.


Four? There isn’t even one.

It’s odd that there’s so much celebration over some things datamined but others are being denied as confirmed when truthfully nothing is confirmed.


Too soon, Guzzle. Too soon.

Don’t touch my hands!

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You’re full of a lot of “I feel this way” and “I feel that way” despite the fact that others have clearly made it clear that they don’t agree, especially Blizzard themselves. When asked about why they chose Void elves over High elves Ion expresses that he didn’t want to infringe on the Blood elf identity, why would he say that if “Alliance-related” npcs were already interchangable with player races? Well… that’s because they aren’t.

It’s not confirmed though because it wasn’t found in the same folder as other customizations, Wowhead is even careful to point out that is a big maybe in terms of selectable options. And even if it was, it’s a far cry from blowing the other races out of the water, especially when we see what races like the worgen are getting. Over-exaggerating isn’t helping your argument here.

body jewellery is a major letdown. for me anyway :pensive:

It really is, considering that its on the body, and won’t be seen on 90% of Blood elf players.

Is this meant to be an insult? I think one can argue without that.

Weird considering that was in response to

Maybe you should get your eyes checked

And yet you only felt the need to quote my response. I guess you only felt the need to cherry pick my response because you don’t agree with it. And being colorblind is not an insult.