High Elf compromise


Of course not, as long as they’re using the Night elf model, and not a Blood elf model there is absolutely zero reason for anyone to object.

See how you had to say “Alliance-related” and not an Alliance race? Because they are entirely different things. The High elves do not belong to the Alliance in any capacity, as they have never been playable. Meanwhile the Horde has actual High elves, and have every right to High elven themes.

Again I totally support all Highborne themes for Night Elves, as there’s absolutely zero reason for them to not have access to them.


He doesn’t get the bait and switch that happened. They introduced Alleria showed her as a void elf. Then announced void elfs then made them purple. While they let alliance only get purple elfs and the horde get purple and non purple. In his magic world he has to always be right and only be given things that push more towards the horde getting more options. While it makes no sense nor should it matter if alliance get X because he will still be horde. He thinks alliance doesn’t deserve two different options of colored elfs. Alliance must have purple. They could have easily made the whole void thing change the model appearance to.

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Agreed, it would be great if Blizzard gave Night Elves the Highborne customization.

While they’re at it they could give the Night Elves a new home and normal sized hands.



We also don’t have access to the 12 different color skins available to Night elves either, so should we all be up in arms that our Nightborne can’t be green, red, fair blue, etc? Is Blizzard out to get us?

Difference is that Blood elves only have the one spectrum of skin colors, and that identity played a crucial part in their identity, and Blizzard wanted to make sure that it wasn’t infringed upon when Void elves were made.

yeah alot of us didnt even know void elves could only be blue, till the beta, where it was confirmed there were no options for alleria like shifting. in the meantime, they got a bunch of pre-purchases before it was revealed, and people still held out hope that they just hadnt added all the customizations yet. lol i refused to believe it till i made mine after the game was in full swing, and saw it was indeed true. its kind of a shock.

Man look how you gloss over the fact, is that what you do only look at what you want. Also Night elfs can’t be red or green. so let’s calm down.

Alliance-related and Alliance race are interchangeable for me, one person literally asking for Human options in the Blood Elf thread celebrating what they’re already getting along with celebrating taking my Void Elf eyes.

When it looks like Blood Elves are getting some of the best customization in the game and leaving other races in the dust, gaudy poorly-applied make-up vs. sexy body jewelry.

I wouldn’t care in the slightest if the double standards weren’t so openly on blatant display.

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Yes they can be green, and they can be red as well, so let’s try to get our facts straight.

Maybe you should get your eyes checked. I see pink not red as well as no green skin tones. So ya nice try. Once again it’s not even close to the same thing, but ya if the night elf have skin tones the Nightborne don’t have then yes they should get them as well. But good job trying to make seem like I only cared for one thing.

nightborne get 2 jet blue skins and a washed out grey one. none of them are shared with a night elf or purple. nice try


Oh man so the Void elfs and Night borne share a skin tone color thanks for pointing that out to me as well. I’m on creation screen right now. Also those are shades of purple/blue. Middle for Nightborne 3 from bottom for voidelfs same tone.

you will likely get many good customizations because your model is different enough from night elves.

If you can’t see the difference between a race that players have been playing for over a decade, and a bunch of NPCs that have never solely Alliance, I don’t know what else to tell you, because they’re certainly not interchangeable.

Best customizations in the game? They’re getting new skin colors, and a few new eye colors and now they’re leaving the rest of the races in the dust? Now it just sounds like you’re over-exaggerating.

Sounds like you aren’t looking then? Do you not see skin number 6, and 9? Green tone, and a red tone skin. Tell me how many skin tones do Nightborne have in comparison?

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Honestly the same people at the time that said “quit whining, we don’t know everything yet and they could still look more than just blue elves” look like the current ones that are saying Alliance will get amazing customization soon that will blow away the Blood Elf options.

I’m really not holding my breath on that one still though.

Nither are green and the lighter ones are more pink. Like I said maybe get eyes checked or your screen.

I guess you’re color blind then? I just ran it through a color shader and it most certainly is green, and red undertone. And good job ignoring my question: how many skin tones do the Nightborne have in comparison? Why are you complaining that the Horde gets everything when Void elves and night elves literally have 3 times as much options as our elf allied race.

I already said that nightborne should have more options. and no thats not green they have 3 green hair options you can compare that skin to green. Also no red but i guess you are color blind. “can’t be color blind btw. My job wouldn’t let me work for them”

you already have all human skin colors, plus more in shadowlands. all human hair colors. body jewelry. you can get tatts as a demon hunter. you can play nearly every class in the game, and for 10 years had some of the best racials.

i can be grey, blue or purple. thats it. hair colors, grey, blue, teal or two shades of purple. i cant be a demon hunter so no tatts. i cant be a paladin, so no glowy wings and other pally stuff. i also cant be the same things you cant be like druid or shaman. and, this one really takes the cake, i also cant have light blue hair as a dk, because you already have it.

since the devs decided not to make my model unique from yours, i can only have colors you dont have, and you have them all except green.


It’s either “you never had High Elves” or “Void Elves are your High Elves deal with it”.

Pick a narrative and stick with it.

Have you seen the terrible Karen haircuts they seem to deem appropriate for Night Elves and Gnomes as a representation of their fantasy? Or the poorly-applied make-up given to female humans?

Compare that to the beautiful body jewelry given to Blood Elves that’s actually a very unique and gorgeous thing for a playable race to have.

You know it really speaks to how Blizzard seems to see Alliance races for the moment. When I look at Night Elves I think of beautiful forest amazons that are a mixture of elegance and savagery, almost up there as being as regal and majestic as the Blood Elves but having that element of them balanced by their wild nature and closeness to the outdoors.

Instead Blizzard has opted to make me think of a soccer mom or the “I’d like to speak to your manager” meme.

Well honestly, I’d really like to speak to Blizzard on why they continuously lose the plot on creative development for Night Elves.