High Elf compromise

my gnome now runs like a toddler. its adorable but its not an adult. kinda bugs me. the original gnome run looked like a short adult. so i have a choice between girls that run like guys, girls that have hands so big they might as well be guys, and babies. haha

they did pretty good with female nightborne, though. hands still too big, but at least smaller.

They have become rather toddler like. I did prefer the classic gnome design, maybe with more texture. The eyes on the new gnomes bother me to

Helfers: As long as we get what we want it’s a compromise since we’re not giving you anything and taking the rest! That’s fair!

Blizzard and everyone else:

I mean, it was really blizz just going “hey wouldn’t this be cool!” and not some conspiracy to placate the pro ally players. Probably why they pulled the trigger on blue eyes and the like, they’re already moving on.


we should start a go fund me where we ask for donations to hire a 3d model artist to make several variant high elves, that arent a duplicate of blood elves, cause everybody knows thats possible. this current set up is more like abusing your customer.

The thing you won’t bring yourself to understand is that being the same race means they’d have the same models and options.

Blizzard isn’t going to go “ok well this one part just gets different model cause they disagree politically.” lol. Blood elves are high elves and the alliance high elves share the same model because they are the same EXACT thing and have had no outside force to alter them!

And…abusing your customer? Victim card much?

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But I notice you post on your pink skin’d elf instead.

I love everything about Elså except her being purple (which is my favorite color). I don’t think “pretty” characters should be on the Horde and never have. If Blood Elves went there they should have had green skin and hair like orcs. They should not have looked like High Elves.

BTW, the reason people want human skin tones on void elves is the same reason Blizzard is adding other RL human skin tones and features. We want to look like what we do IRL. Some of us just don’t want to be aligned with the genocide faction.

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This is my forum toon, it has trust lvl 3, I don’t play it.
My main is a nelf druid
Second being a void elf mage, which has trust lvl 1 or zero. I hadn’t even unlocked void elves when the trust level thing started.

the thing you dont understand is, the same lore that might make half elves playable is also applicable to high elves, et al, high elves who lived among humans for 2800 years at dalaran, etc, would adapt more to the cultural norms of that society.

some have argued against that because they say elves would be more like a china town situation, where they’re there but arent assimilating, but ion claims alliance high elves have assimilated. what should you make of that, that they’re exactly walking, standing, dancing and so on, exactly like sindorei? i dont think so.

yeah this is my 32nd or so alt.

I needed a mage. My first 2 were made back in BC

And nice to attack the poster instead of the post. I am posting on what I am arguing for. You don’t need trust level 3 to write sentences

But why would I bother changing toons to post in one toon or another?

It’s a thing that one must change their toon depending on the topic?

I like my blue void elf as she is I don’t need to prove anything

because it might show you literally have some “skin color” in the game.

the devs are assuming their customers are primarily males but thats wrong. i was in a guild, where over half were female and not because it was meant to only recruit females. blizz now has a huge fan base of females and they keep giving us guys dressed like girls.

check this out:

playable san’layn, also a big request. see any san’layn? venthyr females are the opposite of san’layn females. a sanlayn female is an exceedingly feminine vampire. a venthyr female looks like a guy in a wig. some have a widows peak that makes it look like they have a receeding hairline even, like male pattern baldness. lol

i get that they have their own ideas but dang, why ask if youre just gonna ignore most of it anyway.

I do if its class or race specific. I have at least one of everything on each faction

Thats insane

My void elf says hello, for whatever it’s worth

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15 years of playing and getting over raiding in cata means I have lots of time to level.

I even did it as as single dad who worked full time and put myself through college at night (Online and in class after the kids got old enough)

Half-anything isn’t gunna go, Blizz backs away from that idea and really only worked on Rexxar cause he was important. Notice how none of the other mok’nethal got the same treatment. Much like many heroes he has a unique model because they can do that since he’s a one off.

High elves that lived among humans also counts those that would later become blood elves so I don’t know what you’re getting at there. Unless we’re just gunna ignore the Sunreavers or others that would have scattered and gone back to Quel’thalas (unless you think Kael, an elf that lived in Dalaran but came home is going to be the only example then I don’t know what to tell you.)

Alliance high elves stopped having a unique culture apart from the human areas they live in. It means they’re not gathering in large groups and remodeling things into thalassian architecture in the Alliance or excerting their culture on the Alliance. Their culture is that of the Alliance and Dalaran.

Blood elves never abandoned their culture. They are not “assimilating” into someone elses. They’ve been in the Horde for more than a decade and they’re reclaimed the Sunwell and maintain their ancestral home and practices.

Do you just get random thoughts and go “this is true, yep” and keep going? lol
Ever been to a Blizzcon (it’s fun,) and have seen their workers?


Here’s another one…

i saw it and heard it. i was in a guild on classic, called pulp fiction. over 50 percent were actual females. we want feminine characters to play. not gals that run like guys.

if we wanted to run like a guy, we’d play a guy.

if we wanted hands the size of dinner plates, we’d play a guy.

do you see what i’m saying or do you think horde should have all the female players and force them to have to go along with genocide and other crazy stuff that runs them out of your faction and onto classic/off the game entirely . think for like five seconds.

So then you and your camp wouldn’t have a problem if I suggested an option for Night Elves to look like, let’s say, Nozdormu then?

Or more like I’ve seen their behavior in my times lurking here and how they seem to want to police how Alliance players wish to have customization for themselves, while at the same making requests to Blizzard for Alliance-related options being handpicked and given over to their side.

Truth is the truth on that I’m afraid.

And the current blonde hair datamined for Night Elves right now is still noticeably different from the natural blonde hair that Humans or Blood Elves might have, it’s not necessarily to give them a human-like option so much as a seasonal option as it’s a very autumnal color.