High Elf compromise

Very true, the Ren’dorei High Elves are, I believe, the most successful AR that Blizzard has introduced.

You know, whether you’re ‘Pro’ or ‘Anti’, arguing from ‘The Lore’, is pointless. It should be clear to anyone who’s paid attention that Blizzard doesn’t give a pinch of pigeon droppings about ‘The Lore’.

Sin’dorei High Elves going to The Horde and Ren’dorei High Elves going to The Alliance were both business decisions. In both cases, successful business decisions.

It is business that will decide the ‘Pro’ or ‘Anti’ argument and nothing else.

I said good day!


A few skins at the barbershop is NOT the Pandaran!

They ARE the same race as both technically and would just give up the title and re-join with friends and family. THEY would NO longer be called HIGH ELF’S.

Void elfs should have some regular skin toes. They have been getting some sun lately now that they are out and about in the world.

We are conceding an entire race tab, which is what we should have had at the end of Legion!

And I forgot about compromise as another poor victim of word abuse in these threads.


Wait what?

You are conceding a “race tab”?

Come on. That is a joke.

Getting sun makes your skin darker.

So to recap, you are getting exactly what you want, but you are giving up a race tab with “high elf” over it?


It was a joke really.

I do not support different models for what is essentially the same race.

Blue void skin is good enough in my book for distinction.

void elves are basically shadow elves. completely. they are defined by the void and its corruption. its like taking a fire elemental and turning it into a fire mage and fire mages are already playable

Currently those that care about the backstory of the High elfs and WHY they have blue eyes… GOT NOTHING! So how exactly is that a “compromise”?

Most of us love the fancy Blue elfs. But there are some that follow this story for the lore. And those are the fanbase you want to satisfy because they tend to stick around a lot longer.

(also mind you the Blue eye’d light skin Void elfs, whould actually be high elfs that CALL themselves Void elfs. No Biology would be changed. I mean in shadow lands suddenly trolls have skin options for various tribes added, this would be no different.)

The high elf story can be continued without making them playable.

The people asking for the blood elf model with lighter skin tones did get something.

The backstory of the high elves is the same backstory of the void elves.

Every void elf at one point in their life was a high elf. Every. Single. One. So if you are concerned about the history of the high elves, there you go.

Soo trolls in shadow lands can now have 5 different types of troll under one race name.

Magar Orc’s have orc tribes from all over Dreanor under once race name.

Wild hammer Dawrf skins can be under one race name.

Humans can now have multiple ethnic styles under one race name.

My Void elfs having a few light skinned ex high elfs under them…nope nope that’s game breaking?


that you can play a void elf(something like a blood elf) IS the compromise. horde players didnt want the alliance to have the model, the alliance got a variant rather than an outright clone. the misconception of what a compromise is lies on the alliance side. unless a compromise in their minds is the alliance gets ‘high’ elves unmodified and the horde has to watch them prance around as a carbon copy of a horde race, and listening to these same players say they are true ‘high’ elves. its also neutralizing a core horde race bringing us to 5 core races, i mean none of it makes sense. this is just ridiculous the more you think about it. if you want to be a pure high elf play the damn horde


You are, which is why you got the belf model in the first place, the compromise was that it wasn’t going to be a complete clone of our model.

And unfortunately even that turned out to be a slippery slope, as the intention was to placate the Alliance’s players desire for a Thalassian model, and the moment Blizzard relented even a little, Pro’s immediately took that compromise and asked for more.

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people are in denial. thats obvious. they have to be or this request doesnt make sense

that we have to share our model isnt enough, they want our likeness and themes too. only then will it be a compromise


What’s worse is that many used that compromise as evidence that if they could get Void elves, then why not High elves?

It’s a perfect example of giving them an inch, only for them to take the whole mile. And that’s not how compromises work.


are you happy the part that made you corrupt was removed by the end of tbc? well rendorei, have no way for that to happen because the devs decided to make them appear as if their corruption effected their whole body, not just their eyes, and that its a permanent form of corruption or else we might look like a high elf.

imagine being tinted green or else you might look like a high elf.


Why are you even playing a void elf in the first place if their appearance offends you so much?

I love my blue elf, I rock my blue corruption.

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I mean, she’s a death knight so, she’s probably the least “cleansed” out of most Blood elves, cause she’s well… dead lol

cause they dont have hands the size of dinner plates. belfs/helfs had the first model where the females looked and ran like actual girls. ever watch a female human run? i think they got a bunch of male running animations and used them for all the characters, till belfs

Agreed with that, they are pretty and feminine.

My nelf does have man hands but over the years I’ve learned to live with it.

Only Nomi can set a floating rock sitting in a within tear in time in space on fire.