High Elf compromise

The compromise was for people that wanted the blood elf model on the alliance.

Not for people like you that wants the story/lore. What you are asking foe is new lore for a race that is on the horde happening on the alliance.

What you should be asking for is silver covenant lore. However, if (and that is a big IF) i am right, they will be taking a back seat with the void elf replacing the silver covenant in their participations in battle.

I said good day!

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I feel like I need a catchphrase for times like this.

I like my void elf too! I actually really like Void Elves despite all the problems with them. It’s just a shame that Blizzard did very little to expand on them in BfA which was rife with opportunity having old god/void themes.

Of all the allied races Void Elves really really needed the fleshing out because they have virtually nothing beyond being Blood Elves who got messed up in a ritual gone wrong and joined the Alliance. BfA could have done much more to expand on them but all we got were some token generic void elves opening void portals and animating void dinos.


Asking for human skin tones on void elves is not reasonable.

They have not been separated long enough for interbreeding with humans to actually matter. Some have, but they two have not been actually apart from each other that long

The silver covenant is what…a handful of years old?

On the same faction.

Something the high elf community regularly ignores as a major reason why the maghar were created with very slight differences.

Because what is being asked for is almost always unreasonable.

How is this in the least bit reasonable? “just give us blood elves with new hair cuts”. “Just ignore the lore and give us new models that would have no realistic justification”

How is it reasonable to ask for void elves to be turned into blood elves?

I can also look through the topic and see the “usual suspects” hiding behind their lore they pretend to care about that constantly suggests non lore reasons to add blood elves to the alliance as a playable option.

The most reasonable option is to just give you exactly what you want. How quaint.

Yet you aren’t seeking compromise either. You are trying to find ways to get exactly what you want and making the other side “compromise”.

That is not accurate. Each side is required to make concessions. Interestingly enough, the high elf side is not willing to make any concessions that matter.

I am well aware, and I hope you enjoy constantly being told “no”.

The blood elf model with light skin tones was regularly asked for. Half was given. Saying its not remotely is being genuinely dishonest. Trying to convince Blizzard to give you something while asking in the most dishonest way possible will not help your cause.


Scroll above a bitt, I already listed a compromise that would work. Basically Valeria would have to disband and allow them to follow the faction of their choice. Then add the skins to both races.

Blizzard should do this, Because they will catch less heat…mind you the heat will still always be on them for dangling that cheese for so long.



I get ppl want the fantasy, RP ect ect.
However, it still doesn’t change the fact you cannot go back 10 years ago and rewrite history.

I feel as if for some (not all) they are stuck on that moment in time and no amount of new rigs, ect ect will make them happy.

I wish they could give you a new unique model but I’m on the fence that it would ultimately help

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So your compromise is “give us exactly what we want and make blood elves a neutral playable race”.


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why would they?

void elves have proven to be a success. they are still making money off of them from race changes

blizzard has no incentive to add what they want. none of the feedback on skin tones was adopted when void elves were first announced and it definitely wont be now. for the same reasons antis and development have said :slightly_smiling_face:

So, what you’re saying is that us Pro’s are not part of the player community?


Not enough to justify copy/pasting a race across factions.


STILL waiting on your explaination that blood elves skin tone have ANYTHING to do with ideas of half elves given to the horde.

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Not it all. Are you feeling ok? Did You scroll up at all or just base everything off of that quick summary? Maybe have a coffee and rest your eyes.

I don’t want Blizzard to make them a race. I am along the lines with the OP where the skin’s/ eye options should be available to both Void elfs and Blood Elfs.

The Short story was just to tie up the loose end’s with the RP side of things.

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i love and support void elves

they have insured the thematic integrity of our faction has been preserved :relieved:


Asking for human skin tones on void elves is not reasonable.

I disagree. If a “close to human but not quite” skin tone is requested (and you can go through my post history to see I’ve specifically asked for that), especially if its one that isn’t possessed by any race in the game currently, then it’s still considered “unreasonable” by the anti’s simply by virtue of being acceptable to the pro’s.

Because what is being asked for is almost always unreasonable.

Only because your idea of what’s reasonable means the result is unacceptable to the other side. Heck, there’s anti’s that feel Void Elves were an unreasonable thing for Alliance to get.

How is it reasonable to ask for void elves to be turned into blood elves?

That’s not what’s being asked for.

Yet you aren’t seeking compromise either. You are trying to find ways to get exactly what you want and making the other side “compromise”.

We aren’t “trying to find ways to get exactly what we want” we are trying to find ways to get something as close to what we want as we can, while also addressing the issues brought up by your side.

When it came to differentiating the model we proposed mockups using the Night Elf body, mostly hairstyles not used by Blood Elves, and a unique idle stance, that’s a reasonable compromise in my book, but that wasn’t good enough in yours. Why? Because we’d be happy with that.

I think I am done with you now as well. I’d appreciate if you didn’t reply to me further.

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Not at all?

What did I miss?

HelFers are asking for the blood elf model (or something similar) with blood elf skin tones.

Your “compromise” is to what…make the Blood Elf/Void Elf race like the Pandaran? They get to choose the faction they follow?

Along with giving the void elves blood elf skin tones?

That is exactly what is being asked for.

So once again…where is the compromise? What are you conceding?


No no, I mean think of it this way, objectively. Look at it removed from the pro or anti angle. We know expansions are in development far in advance of them getting to these points so the void elves were already in the pipe before a lot of the bigger blow ups started. While people have been asking for blue eyes/etc from WoW’s launch, I don’t think they were considering the pro and anti stuff while deciding where to develop void elves from.

I don’t think it was meant as a slight or like a lack of compromise from them, honestly. I think they were being pretty honest when they said how they came about and I don’t think whoever made the decision or wrote the lore was all “haha, yeah that’ll show them!” or was even really acutely aware of all this going on (cause before void elves were announced it wasn’t spam threads all over the place.)

Could it be possible they work ally elves into the void elves? I think that’s likely regardless of this charged topic, and while I don’t think it’ll go anywhere from a pro angle from there it would just make too much sense to eventually reveal how more void elves would be made or initiated and we already see high elves of both faction interested.

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If you are asking to turn the void elves non voidy, so that they look primarily like a blood elf, then yes, it is unreasonable. Its not because its acceptable to the pros.

Its because its literally what the “antis” are not wanting.

Yet this can easily be flipped. You are literally asking for things the other side has said is unreasonable.

“its unreasonable from a gameplay perspective to put the blood elf model and skin tone on the alliance side”

—“ok, but what if we gave the void elves blood elf skin tones, i mean human skin tones. which are practically the same”

“…no. just said we are pretty against that”

—“omg, so unreasonable”

Yet your suggestions are for exactly what you want. Blood Elf skin tones on the Void Elf model.

And this brings me to a previous point on how its not about the lore. How the lore is the first thing the “pro’s” will ditch when its convenient.

I am well aware that “pros” dont like people pointing out how silly they are.


Like i said, you don’t need to keep replying, you’ve already lost, acting as if getting the last word in goodbye means anything. :kissing_heart: :revolving_hearts: