i’m gonna feed yer hare lip no wristed human walking steroid self, to the monstahh.
I didn’t want void elves, nor did I ask blizzard to make new types of elves instead of going with the ones we have in game already.
He said not right now.
And he did say there was a chance later on too.
Nice try.
Yikes eminem in current year. Boomer detected
Too bad? There’s tons of races we can’t play on Horde as well.
Ship sailed years ago.
Theres the entitlement I spoke of. Maybe its not about what YOU want but instead about what blizzard decides is best for the game as a whole. No need to double down here but you essentially did that for me.
He actually said to go play horde and that there weren’t any plans to add them. He said contacts might be a thing in the future and “anything is possible in the future”.
You guys getting your hopes up that it meant they might add high elves to alliance and not just add contacts is just delusion.
look again. juice wrld.
No, entitled would have been me demanding they make up new elves, while also demanding high elves.
I am simply requesting a race I would enjoy playing.
I would also say it’s entitled to tell people to not want something to be fair.
We’re all WoW players we all want things. The HE request is as valid as anything else, especially since the HE request comes from existing HEs on Alliance already.
Realize that you are entitled either way, you have 4 races now in game that are elfs. Go play another RPG that offers that? Think of any? I’ll wait.
A long time ago, before wods release ION casually mention helfs as a possibility
Years later, the same person said, no high elves, join the horde.
That means they are now off the table, you got void elves.
he said anythings possible in the future but there were currently no plans to make playable high elves in the near future. then after that, another dev comes out and says keep asking, dont lose hope.
carrot + stick + abused customer
Another one of these? Come on, stop it already.
The other dev wasn’t the one calling the shots.
You giving yourself false hope isn’t Ion’s fault.
not my fault. i didnt do it.
Nah. I’ll keep requesting the race I’d enjoy. Have a good night.
Have fun living in la la land, must be nice
I fail to see what’s funny about that.
What happened. Everyone in wow was hating on blood elves, now suddenly everyone wants to have one in their faction?
No, go play your void elf. High elves are blood elves. And blood elves are part of the horde.
You can’t have everything.