High Elf Compromise Celebration Thread

Click on the link! :slight_smile: It’s a blue who said it

It’s no different than Dwarf players who are happy that they’re getting Wildhammer tattoos, even if they’re not their own race. You’ll always have holdouts, but this is not as egregious as it could have been.

Blue eyes on the Horde’s Blood Elves without a concession given to the Alliance’s High Elves would have been the continued and deliberate disregard of the game’s own world building.

I think Void Elves are lame. Attaching tentacles and dipping them in Void does not make them cooler than what they are.

What link? :eyes:

This one:

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That’s good, then. Hopefully we’ll hear about more hair options/colours soon. Thanks for the link :smile:

To me it does, you know opinions?

Yeah that’s what I’m pointing out.

I don’t accept lore about high elves learning the void or becoming void elves en mass. Keep it simple. Say that they have joined together as a faction and high elves have not embraced the void. I am not asking for it immediately however I do ask that the racials and possibly even the name of the “race” be changed over time.

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No, Void Elves are a new Allied race and what you want does nothing but water them down. They are not High Elves and never will be.

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That is exactly my point. Don’t try to force them to be something they aren’t. Keep it simple and have them be a combined allied race just like all the various mag’har clans are combined or how wildhammer and now combined with bronzebeard dwarves for customization.

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To be honest, i am already bitter about both faction sharing models, more so with shared skin tone.

I may not like it, but what’s done is done. Congrats to all pro high elfers who is happy with this compromise.

Just to be clear, this is NOT sarcasm.

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The only issue I see is destroying lore to cater to a handful of players who will continue to complain about everything anyway. That’s the only bigger issue I see, and it’s a real one.

Don’t be so picky

I am happy about the compromise
 and we are not getting only High elf costumisation options, we are getting Widhammer costumisation options too. So I think Shadowlands will be a great expansion! :heart:
The racials for VE are nice anyway
 so no point to complain at all

Lets celebrate & have a good time! Granted both sides have blue eyes fair skin. Compromise for now. We are getting somewhere. Im happy for the moment.

People may still want their tag to say high elf. I do and racials. Im patient. In meantime, thank you Blizz for this first victory in customization! :blue_heart::heart::+1::tada::tada::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::video_game::video_game::video_game:

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Thank you, I really appreciate your post :hugs:


And the Alliance was never asking for Blood Elves in the first place. We were asking for the Alliance allinged High Elves. The ones that were part of the Alliance from WoW’s inception. Not a group of fel radiated elves called themselves Blood Elves then joined the Horde.

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You know I do get the point but IDK, worrying that Void Elves will lose their identity when they barely even have one is, odd. In any case, Blood Elves still have warlocks and use fel crystals even when Light has become such a thing.

Void Elves and Lightforged are incredibly limited races in terms of culture and identity. LFD kinda get a pass since we have the rest of the draenei there, but verily, none of the other AR have such a restrictive lore and outlook than Void Elves . I really hope that they do get merged with High Elves culturally and that actually adds some nuance.


Good for you helfers that you accept the second compromise blizz gave you. Hope now you’re satisfied and happy!
Could we get an end to the High Elf topics now? Maybe?

Too early to tell. If the justification for all of these appearances options is something like, “as it turns out, the effects of Nether-Prince Durzaan’s corruption weren’t as permanent as previously thought
 as such, some of Umbric’s compatriots have began to see a reversion to their original physiology”, then you can expect the threads to continue.

We shall see.


Hopefully they add in the HEs officially to the VEs so that can be another story the VEs can tell.