High Elf and Wildhammer Customizations should have quests

that… does’nt sound like a good idea. it sounds like a way of making older players having something to show-off to newer players and say ‘oh, you don’t have this? well, you should’ve been playing as long as me!’.

… what?

i’m talking about the OP’s idea to retroactively add quests so that new players have to unlock wildhammer and high-elf customizations.

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Oh! I don’t think they’re suggesting new players have to unlock existing customizations. I think they are just suggesting adding questlines explaining the origin of said customizations.

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oh! that’s not so bad then. oooh, especially if it gave like, transmog stuff related to’em!

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Actually there are now Alliance-aligned Blood Elves


How the hell, does that former statement of Milynde’s have anything whatsoever to do with anti-semitism? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Looks like the only person here making that connection is you.
They may or may not have done such in the past for all I know, but for that statement alone – They’re innocent.

Also Milynde makes a good point on the statement above yours –

No, they don’t. :clap:
They’re void elves. :clap:
Always will be void elves. :clap:

Void Elves were changed on a cosmic level, akin to how the Nightborne were changed from being Night Elves / Highborne. Thus they are no longer the same race, or to be referred in the same pool as ‘High Elves’ nor have the capability to be announced as such, unlike the Blood Elves who as you mentioned their title is merely political only – and thus can be changed on simple whim.

To quote something I’ve seen you say in this thread: “This isn’t my headcanon, it’s the lore.”

HEY! :rage:

… You made me laugh when I was drinking and splurt water on my computer :joy: :joy: :joy:

Aside from Valeera (who primarily serves the Wrynns more than the Alliance) – This hasn’t been confirmed.

If you’re gonna say those in the Telogrus Rift, I’d hardly call that “Alliance-aligned Blood Elves” – At best they’re curious-about-the-void Blood Elves, as Umbric said the doors to exploring such are open to any of their kind.


Yes it’s true, they are the Silvermoon scholars, they study the void at telogrus rift. They were probably banished from Silvermoon like the void elves.


Love this idea.

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Limiting belief and not actual facts here.
The Alliance has access to two subraces when it comes to the Void Elves. Darkfallen and High Elves.
Otherwise we can also trash the subraces.


Not necessarily.

In the case of both, it could simply be expanded customization along with differing visuals for racial effects. Maybe Stoneform for the Wildhammers could be more like a, ‘Storm Form,’ and they get surrounded by gusts of wind and bolts of lightning, while their weapon gets to look like a Stormhammer for a few seconds.

As interesting as this sound, i am not sure how it could be used for the introduction of Wildhammer Dwarves when we already have them. Unless it’s framed as a “here is how it happend” scenario.

But i am not sure Blizzard would ever do something like this, because then they would have to explain all of the “subraces” that didn’t get quests. And Trolls have like 3 of them. Jungle, Sand, and whatever the Bwonsamdi lookalike is supposed to be (Island?).

It could be as simple as a new Thane rising to the Council of Three Hammers for the Wildhammers. Falstad’s been around but not exactly a major player as far as lore characters go. If he were to retire to return to Aerie Peak, I don’t think anyone would care overly much.

But they should add quests for those subraces as well, honestly. The more, the better, and if those quests include a handful of new customizations sprinkled in with changing the visual effects of racials, then all the better. Heck, maybe add some simple transmog as well, just to beef up the rewards a little bit more.

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How can they make Void Elves more high elf? You got the pink skin, golden hair and blue eyes. That’s it. You’re there, soldier. Put your sword down, war’s over.

High elves have different skin tones and hair colors than just blonde. The blue eyes is important because prior to the Scourging of Lordaeron the Sunwell had arcanic energy in it which turned their eyes blue. It was why during TBC the blood elves are seen siphoning fel and mana from living things. They need arcane to survive. So the Sunwell had fel and later the energy of a dead na’aru which restored them…

The original Sunwell was with the water of the Well of Eternity that was taken by the exiled Highborne Kaldorei. Who were slowly getting sick and becoming weaker without being near the Well. It’s why Moonwells are important for the Kaldorei.

Hairstyles and Warpaint such as Alleria uses, really. That’s about all that’s missing. That and turning off or altering Entropic Embrace’s obnoxious visual effect. I feel bad for people who play Void Elves as ACTUAL Void Elves. They deserve a better visual effect for Entropic Embrace than that nonsense.


Well the racial visual effect I can agree on, seeing how they altered the gift of the naaru to change depending on skin tone.

As far as war paint, just give us all war paint. I want war paint.


No reason not to. There’s nothing about any race that’d make it impossible for them to get some war paint. Different styles would be nice though. Maybe Orcs could get some Warpaint like the Horde symbol, for example.

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Cracking open a can of paint is definitely less of a burden on my suspension of disbelief than repentant manari demons


Not really, I mean one could argue they flip the visual switch off but are still void elves with high void-presence & energy output like Alleria; thus still being void elves.

Although if we wanna argue semantics of such a subject we’ll be here all day, however I’m fine with people wanting to RP how they want. :person_shrugging:

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