High Elf and Wildhammer Customizations should have quests

As oppose to what, the Man’ari? A quest would be no less or weird.

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Man’ari got added in the same patch as the quest. Quite a different thing from adding a quest explaining why regular Dwarves have Wildhammer customizations nearly 3 years after they were added.

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We need options and not forced “lore” to why we can now paint our faces…

It could literally be any random quest chain, like say celebrating some dwarven holiday/a dwarven tradition with the customization being added as a side bonus.

The quest potential is endless.


Obviously there’s a rich history to being able to pick up the sacred paint brush and smear it on your face.

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You are missing my point. The customization is already in the game, and have been for 3 years.

It is not. Or more precisely we can get MORE customization. Like the actual “wildhammer dwarf” name plate.

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We can still get a questline to add more story or to show to players who may be newer what those customizations could represent as well as to allow the opportunity for Blizzard to add armor to support those sorts of things.

Like the Wildhammer could get their own heritage like set or a newly revamped up to current par Stormhammer. Maybe even a “wildhammer gryphon” mount through the questline.

I don’t think anyone would expect you to not be able to use those options until you complete the quest since they’ve been around for several years now, but expansions in the same format would be very nice to have.


But this isn’t the case here. You play authentic High Elves on Alliance as a subrace, as it is with the Wildhammers, Man’aari, the Mag’har Orcs and even the Darkspear Trolls. We can also extend this to the Orgrimmar Orcs and a few of their clans and the Bloodhoof/Grimtotem Tauren.

Just because the racial is void-based, it simply doesn’t mean that they are Void Elves. Just look at the Wildhammer Dwarves… they have unsuited Bronzebeard racials. The very same issue here, yet you can officially make one and also be able to wear Wildhammer head gears in an upcoming Trading Post update.




I mean, at least it’s in there…
Count your blessings and all that.

Meanwhile we forsaken have been waiting for an appointment with the chiropractor for a spinal adjustments while orcs skipped to the front of the line and got it first xD


We should get blue celtic tattoos and feathers just like Alleria.


I really don’t see why not… Shes one of our main leaders after all and she has them.

That said I don’t see why the blood elves shouldn’t get that one as well.

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No, it won’t. It make earning it that much more satisfying and feeling like I made an accomplishment.

That would be extremely nice to have along with a New Elven Reputation Faction for the Alliance as well.

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