High Elf and Wildhammer Customizations should have quests

Blizzard should add race tags because there are more and more “sub-race customizations”, character creation needs to evolve.


I don’t entirely think that’s necessary, but i can certainly understand the idea and tentatively support it.

It’s amazing to me how many people in the community will instantly shout down an opinion like that. It’s literally just optional customization that doesn’t affect other players at all. It’s not like blizzard is sacrificing entire raid tiers from an expansion just so they can have a few summer interns working on adding in small script changes like that.

Ultimately my only real desire is to have a way to make the entropic embrace visual effects toggleable.

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They are required to do this. Especially for Alliance, where every race looks the same, with no diversity available.

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You have void elves with no void customization.

It would be more weird to have a high elf allied race at this point.

You can’t convince me that the Alliance wants diversity.

The three biggest thing the Alliance seems to ask for?

More humans. More blood elves. Removing the diversity of void elves.


Your response is very simple to a very complex situation.

This has a well documented history behind this request, which does not need a further rewind.


I’m amazed at how people assume asking for more helf customizations automatically means there won’t be any velf customizations.

They are not mutually exclusive. I should remind you that void elves have yet to receive their customization pass. Void elves got helf customizations out of charity and necessity, a time when Blizzard was heavily questioned by the way they treated their employees, a time when subscription numbers were at an all-time low.

Whenever the time comes, I am sure belves and velves will receive their fair amount of new, diverse and cool customizations. You can disagree all you want, but there is no need to be toxic and shoot down others’ opinions and tastes. We’ve been through this in the past (antis vs helfers), and believe me you do not want to follow this path, devs no longer side with this kind of toxicity and thread hijacking. But that’s just my 2c.


Instead of new customizations, we could get new armor sets for High Elves and Wildhammer.



I wish Blizzard would completely rework how races are rolled. Someone posted a picture of a great idea and I wish I remember who it was to give credit.

So on the character selection screen you can pick, for example, a dwarf. When you click on the dwarf you have three options: Dark Iron, Bronzebeard or Wildhammer. For something like tauren they could have three choices of Thunder Bluff, Highmountain and third could be Grimtotem with like separate tattoo options or taunka which would come with new facial options.

For skinny elves the choices would be high, blood or void but the catch would be blood is grayed out for the Alliance and void is grayed out for the Horde.

Racials should also be fun and crafting based so people can stop feeling like they’re on the wrong faction for the best racials. I have no idea why Blizzard won’t give up the concept of OP racials. I guess they love that race and faction change money too much.



Thank you!


I think the race tags for Thalassian elves could be :

  • Horde : blood elf, high elf, darkfallen
  • Alliance : void elf, high elf, darkfallen

This is why I like void elf, it’s a different flavor and it’s not a human variation or a replication of the original belf. I would would play Alliance more if they had another monster race.

They have worgen and void elf seems to be getting more diluted and loosing more identity the more helf customizations are being added.

I like the void fantasy, but there is very little customizations that are void like and many that are helf like.

Horde has more diversity than Alliance does, maybe this is why Horde is more popular than Alliance.

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Horde population = mostly blood elf players :sweat_smile:


But how many of those belve’s are people’s mains?

I haven’t run into any groups that were all belv’s or mostly belv’s as all the time I’ve been playing.

I have Horde characters in some high/full pop servers it’s all mixed races.

I personally liked where that lead, the blossoming romance that kept being hinted at and growing over the course of BFA, especially in the Nazjatar zone was well executed imo, it was also nice of them to also make their union happen during the time skip so that players who didn’t care for it didn’t feel forced into it.

We can have both honestly.

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I love this idea, I agree with you that this would be the ideal solution to the whole allied race drama


There are no Horde High Elves, just blue-eyed Blood Elves


If the blood elves have less than the void elves that would be really dramatic… :disguised_face: