High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Though, in game they are already separated as such. So I imagine that adding playable High Elves named, “High Elves” would make that deflection pointless.


That’s a pretty broad brush. You seem to disagree with High Elves being implemented. Somehow I doubt you want us to drop everything anti-high-elf posters have said on your lap.


If we wouldn’t have gotten Void Elves and Nightborne I wouldn’t think it too big an issue. But it’d be “elf bloat” at this point.

Void Elves are kind of lame though, clearly shoehorned in.

I did say previously (probably overlooked) I do think they made a mistake keeping Alleria alive and Alliance when they had the rest of the faction ragequit the Alliance in WC3.

It created a lose-lose situation nobody would be happy with. Either they undermine the whole idea of why the Blood Elves left, or they leave these High Elves taunting you in your face that you can’t be.

edit: it could be argued we’re already in “elf bloat”, lol, if you look at the player race %

The Blood Elves that have been introduced to WoW aren’t, “The Blood Elves” though.

Kael’s Blood Elves in Outland are “The Blood Elves”

and the only people with a grudge against the Alliance are Kael’s Blood Elves in Outland.

The Garithos thing didn’t happen to the Silvermoon Blood Elves.

They all died. Then got retconned back into existance.

They join the Horde because of the Forsaken. Because the Forsaken kill the Scourge, which allows them to protect Quel’thalas.

Player Blood Elves are the “Slaughtered by Arthas” Blood Elves.


Yeah, But, adding more variety to Elves is fine. It’s unlikely to increase the overall Elf percentage.

I’m gonna be real surprised at that guy that’s playing Blood Elves, even though he wants to be on Alliance, because the Void Elves and Night Elves aren’t flesh toned.


Well two things to consider are the two underlying plot threads that have been around since WC3 and still “alive” despite significant plot events.

The “love triangle” (for lack of a word) between Kael/Arthas/Jaina, as that shaped her into who she is, so is still relevant today even if 2 of the 3 are dead and a memory. I don’t think that story is quite over. The “Nerzhul” Lich King aspect, which ruined Arthas, is still around and relevant to the storyline.

And of course the “Windrunner sisters” turmoil I doubt they’d want to end any time soon. I imagine it’ll go into “backburner mode” soon enough though, for a later date. I suspect Sylvanas will be in hiding somewhere very soon.

So having High/Blood Elves being opponents to Jaina is still very much of use.

Yeah. Sure. Sunreavers opposing Jaina?

Makes sense.

But who shows up whenever the Sunreavers show up?

The High Elf, Blood Elf bit is relevant.

Blood Elves sold their soul to survive.
High Elves refused too.

and they fight about it.

and 38% of the playerbase plays some kind of Elf. So it’s fine to add other races, but at some point, you should also pay attention to the 40% of players that want to play an Elf and it’s fine to give them some variety. San’Layn/Dark Rangers and High Elf.


What’s the Void Elf story again? :wink:

No offense, but you’re ignoring the silver covenant completely. They very much support Jaina, are for the Alliance, and dislike the horde and what their cousins have done in order to survive. Moreover there’s in all likelihood more high elves than void elves.

According to the quest Void elves were blood elf defectors. So there’s still a large population of pro-alliance High elves.


How big? They always seem like a niche conclave to me, a dying breed.

There are more High Elves than there are Void elves. So it doesn’t matter for gameplay reasons? They’re also not sterile so…


They were Blood Elves who had PTSD because all of their friends were eaten by Zombies.

Now they hear voices too.

Careful if you see one arguing with themselves. These aren’t two headed Ogres we’re talking about.


Well I mean nobody’s stopping you from doing Trial of the Crusader dailies, I guess.

I don’t see them as a viable faction anymore, personally.

Even Vareesa just cameos every once in a blue moon, and I bet she’s only drug out because of Sylvanas drama. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was killed by Sylvanas at some point. That little “3 sisters” comic they put out a while back kind alludes to something like that happening, and I’m not betting on Alleria.

That’s completely beside the point. Opinions aside there is a large group of high elves that are pro alliance. Their faction has been there since their introduction, they had a major presence in legion, and they’re still around.

In my opinion I’ll put my weight behind void-jesus than dead-scared elf.


Yeah, and I touched on that. I said:

And that was the second time I said that here. Come on man don’t try and take a moral high ground in this debate if you’re ignoring things. It makes all your words empty words.

I mean, unless Talanji is really interesting that’s gonna be the Zandalari story too.

High Elves at least usually show up every expansion.

Zandalari are about to be that faction we saw > Enter Expansions number here; ago.

Same thing as Kul’tirans. Though I think you’ll at least see the Kul’tiran bodies being used.


And she is, I promise. #talanjiforprez2020

Easily one of the highlights in BfA.

Really? You’re talking about issues that aren’t relevant to the opinion on hand. Mistake or not Alleria is here, so is her sister, and so are the high elves. When you try to belittle the person who’s bringing up a counter point you look like a troll. Not once did I bring up a moral high ground by the way.


Why should only opinions matter? There’s logistics, feasibility, and them undermining their long-crafted story that are just as, if not more important, than what anyone thinks. Including myself.

No one said they do? Seriously. The logistics, feasibility and story are all there for high elves, more so than void elves. You’re talking yourself in circles.