High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I mean a part of that makes me wonder too, but I guess you can’t just overrwrite Ogrimmar persay (other than Cata which changed little in terms of the tone).

I guess in BfA Horde are living in the desert and the swamp, whereas the Alliance got the magic spooky forests. It’s just more of the same as for the tone of “desperate offense/stoic defense” that have been the Horde and Alliance since the beginning. We’re in a scramble to secure food and water, and you are under attack from boogeymen and bullies, same as always.

Imagine if Horde got zones like Kul Tiras and Alliance got the swamps and desert of Zandalar. I bet you anything Alliance would have lost their minds, much like the High Elves being Horde Blood Elves thing.

Clearly never visited the wetlands. I doubt anyone would’ve complained.


Ah yes I forgot how the Horde races are really just innocent victims.

Forsaken only want to protect their chil- wait…
Orcs just came to Azeroth to start a new life! They didnt murder and pillage and destroy while trying to conquer… everything.
We all know goblins only have the well being of their fellow races at heart, no greed or selfish motivation there.

Tauren and trolls are the only races that have any truly redeeming qualities.


Should I link my vanilla toon? He’s still level 60 with gear that doesn’t exist anymore. You’re just assuming things in an effort to discredit me.

Voldun is the Barrens all over again (minus Chuck Norris), and most of Kul Tiras is Goldshire all over again (minus the sex), with a side dish of Neo-Duskwood aka Drustvar. Which is actually part Dun Morogh too.

Telling you, the way they divvy stuff up is the same as they’ve always been, because they know people would be mad.

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You don’t have to stay in those zones, that’s a none issue. Alliance also quests there. You’re free to stay in your city of pure gold.


You’re changing the subject. What you do has nothing to do with the overall tone Blizzard has set. There’s reasons to leave and go to the other island but you certainly spend more time in the “native” ones. Just as before.

At any rate, I entered this thread with a message of “this is why Blizzard won’t talk to us”, and here I am seeing that we’re currently arguing over who has the right to talk. Think about that for a moment.

No one is arguing over you’re right to talk. You’re intentionally being confrontational about every subject you can bring up. I mean you’re basically saying alliance is spoiled because they get nice zones. The flip side of that is Horde have gotten so much more story attention.


I remember telling many a Chuck Norris joke in the barrens lol. It’s something I plan on doing again in Classic


Blame the war drums. I do think threads like this do a disservice to the community.

That’s your opinion and you’re free to have it. Right there is you telling us we shouldn’t voice our opinions. You’re guilty of what you’re complaining about.


I still have Linken’s Boomerrang on my first main, I think it’s in his bag.


Wow classic maintains the identity of the factions:
Orcs + Troll + Tauren + Undead = Horde
Humans + Dwarves - Gnomes + Night Elves = Alliance

TBC broke this identity by giving them Blood Elves to the Horde. I’m glad that the servers of the WOW Vanilla are back, to really feel the identity of factions because now where I’m going I see blood Elves in the Horde and I feel like I’m playing a game Chinese or Korean


I appreciate that. But why do you think the Devs don’t really interact with us? Is it them? Is it us? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

They just don’t. They never have. I would assume they don’t have time to slog through forums all day. However, they do look at them, and they’ve seen this megathread pop up for months (years?). This is a big game from a big company with a PR team. They also get quoted a lot so I assume they’re not really able to respond unless its with an absolute.


For a multitude of reasons, I’m sure. Some may have to do with the community itself, others probably don’t

Surely we can’t point to this mega thread as a primary example of why though, right?


Exactly this ^.


WC3 did, long before WoW. In fact, you could look at as WC3 being a set-up for WoW.

I do wonder why the Dark Iron went Alliance. If anything they were kind of partnered with an offshoot of the Horde with Rend and all that. I know Moira Bronzebeard etc, of course, I’m speaking of taking that into the direction when they made her “friends” and a part of the dorf council.

I think it was the smell of orc…(i’m joking)


It’s not a pleasant odor, I’ll give you that. No Yankee Candle that’s for damn sure.

Then again us trolls probably smell like blood and recreational pharmaceuticals. (My name is a coincidence, promise)

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But you still do not answer my question, even in your history lesson you are wrong, Hazzikostas himself said that currently the High Elves are very involved in other cultures and that they no longer retain that “Thalassian” identity. This was when he was asked about High Elves ‘’ Hubs ‘’ in The Alliance.

In all your speech that I always ask myself because they ignore the forces of Quel’Thalas that went to the expedition of Draenor with the children of Lothar, or those that followed to Jaina to the Hyjal mount. The Seventh Legion was founded by Alliance veterans and there were several High Elves among them as can be seen in Northrend.

Dalaran is a human kingdom and is currently ruled by one of the Sons of Lothar, you still do not answer that.

Ah, I do not need to do an Ad Ridiculum with the arguments of the other side to prove my points as you have done and a few more, I hope that makes me different enough.