High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Yes they are.

I don’t think the double facepalm worked for this one.

Are you okay?

So is a helfer gonna step in to bail out Reno or is this just point and laugh?

You’re assuming I need to be bailed out.

And you know what happens when you assume…

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No point. Every other has been pointed at and laughed at as well.

I wash my hands of this weirdness.


What? Who?

I mean you have made one out of yourself

Made what?

They’re not in the game, dude. How about waiting to see what the uptake is before saying there isn’t any?

It’s not an Elf Race, so clearly it won’t be played.

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Guess humans dont see play

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We’re talking about Allied Races.

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If thats the case, isnt Zandalari the most played at 120?

To realmpop.

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No, they are the most played Horde AR on Wargraphs.

Void Elves and Mecha Gnomes are Alliance.

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Why have you moved goal posts three times in a row?

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You’re the one moving them.

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