High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Is saying Priests don’t ever use Void Magic a racism? Can I sue him?

That was Sarcasm.

What about it?

I’m sorry, when you in the same breath claim the existence of Holy Mages it can be difficult to detect sarcasm.

Lanesh was acknowledged by a lead narrative designer, who even said he wants to explore his background in-game in the future. And the fact that they haven’t been followed up inside the game yet isn’t an argument that they shouldn’t. That sounds like a ridiculously contrived argument.

Like High elves shouldn’t be playable because they haven’t been playable. But keep digging your own cause into a hole.

I am sure they will let it cap, but its okay because technically we have stuff to add to the OP I think.


So why are they called mages then?

What about these?


I think people were framing BFA, but yes that is one.

I thought the Culling of Stratholme was actually set in a timeline long before Arthas sacked Quel’Thalas.

While that is in fact a High elf priest, that is actually before Quel’thalas was destroyed. So whether or not these individual priests decided to join the Blood elves, or remain with the Alliance is unknown, although most high elf priests ended up becoming Blood Knights along with Lady Liadrin.

I wish that robe existed in those colors in-game. :c

People who use Holy Magic are Holy Mages. That’s how magic works.

Because Priests use Holy Magic to shield others in addition to using healing magic. So Shield Mages are Priests who are dedicated to Holy shields only.

This is War gotta be smart. Well was War…

So shield mages who use arcane? Its not holy light or void.

NPCs aren’t restricted to their Magical abilities like players are.

I saw it and posted them to be funny because of the shield-mage being a priest discussion.


Then that doesn’t make any sense. It is like saying Jaina Proudmore uses Flash Heals as well.

Are you saying one of the greatest magical users of all time can’t use flash heals?

That’s nonsense.

Someone really needs to post a very dramatic, and comical facepalm at Reno.

*Literally called Mages
*Clearly dont use holy or void magic
*Mages have armor and barrier spells.
*We have seen Arcane barriers in game

“Theyre priests.”

Inb4 imonlypretendingtobestupid.png

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Yes, this is correct. Thank you for acknowledging the truth.

No theyre not. Im showing how dumb that statement is