High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Im not even moving them:

You said they wouldnt see play because they are non-elven, I reply with humans and say you were talking about ARs.

I reply with Zandalari, you say only to Realmpop.

I reply with Wargraphs, you say you mean Alliance.

Thats moving goalposts on your end bud, you really need to cut this third rate trolling.

Reno never trolls.

He only say the truth in many indirect ways.


Like how mages are actually priests?

Here to show continued support for High Elves in the Alliance!


Yes, they cast spells, so they are Priests.


So are warriors priests too?

This thread has gone nowhere fast…

Pretty soon we will hit cap and trigger a bunch of unneeded extra threads.

Although I’d suggest maybe a blizzcon watch HE mega thread?


We arent derailing the bail out train yet.

No, you are moving them.

You brought up Humans which were irrelevant since we are discussing Allied Races like Mecha Gnomes and how they are a “unpopular” choice compared to High Elves.

By sarcastically pointing out that they would never be played on the Alliance because they are not Elven enough, due to the real life example of KTs not being popular at all.

Then you decided to chime in with Zandalari, in which I was going to Realmpop to accurately find out who is more popular, Zandalari or Void Elves and guess what? Void Elves are winning, but before I could post you had to throw a fit and pick some other website because you knew that Void Elves would be on top somewhere else and so you moved the goalposts.

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Counterexamples isnt moving goal posts lol.

Yes it is. Accept your Loss and move on already. It’s embarrassing for you.

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No its actually funny, and damages you and people who support. Why do you think im prolonging this?

You making a fool out of yourself isn’t funny at all. I pity you on the contrary.

Because you can’t handle admitting when you’re wrong?

You have had your fun Bourbon, I know it’s fun to jump on wounds but running up the clock on this thread isn’t cool either.


HEY!! I don’t recall licensing you my likeness, young lady.

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Hitting the Thread Cap doesn’t matter when this thread will just get made again.

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I have to admit i laughed at the triple goalpost moving.

I was alerting on the post limit clock of this thread on 16k around, well, my warning wasn’t heard. :stuck_out_tongue:


Why is that?

Aren’t you supposed to be in the desert planning on catch the Road Runner with some Acme Products?

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