High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Because Holy Magic is used by Holy Mages.

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Oh, is there a holy spec I can use in-game? o:

Id love to be a holy mage.


Reno it’s a mage. Lol sorry

Doesn’t diminish tho that blizz decided to throw them into the mix. When they had so many options to pick from.


The shield around the ship is literally purple.

You have a holy eye glow on your mage, therefore you are a holy mage.


Yeah purple, like a bishop wears.

Checkmate atheists.

Priests #1

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Void priests maybe. Maybe they are actually void elves.

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What Help?

Yes, there is a way for you to be a Holy Mage.

Magic is Magic, that’s why half the classes in-game use Magic and can be called Mages.

Yes, let’s ignore that Priests don’t use Void Magic ever.

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Psst, the 7th Legion Shield-Mages are Mages.


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And Catholic Priests. The original masters of lay on hands.


That shield others like a Priest uses shields.

Like how you ignore the name Shield-Mage?


Are you telling me Priests don’t use Holy Magic to shield others from Harm?

Are you telling me a Shield-Mage is a priest?

Mages also use shields. Doesn’t there Barriers also class as shields, since priest bubbles also are shields.

Yes, their job is to shield others.

You mean to ice nova and run away.

They aren’t relevant because they aren’t acknowledged inside or out of the game and they have no impact on the story.

I don’t see the point of acknowledging them when the game itself doesn’t. There aren’t explanations or references to blood elves having blue eyes inside or out of the game except for a few bugged models. They aren’t comparable to High Elves that are well established in game.

Also, Blood Elves are the ones who changed. They changed their name, changed their culture, changed their faction etc… Jaina even mocks their name when her and Lor’Themar are at Isle of Thunder.



What is de meaning of dis.