High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

It says it right next to her name though.

Fight Fire with Fire?

No, It says Sarallesta 103 Blood Elf with 1040 posts.

Are you sure?
It says

Did the fel get in your eye again?
cause if so…

I’ll smite it out

I could always post from my Void Elf Paladin?

I will horrifically smite you

About as sure as I am Fabulous and I am fabulous.

Baby, a touch of the void can make you more than fabulous

I need an Adult.

I thought they were meme’s.

Alliance High elves largely do not care for magic, as most actively try to fight their addictions to it through meditation, which is why most High elves we see are rangeresque, preferring to fight with bows, or blades than magic. Of course this isn’t the case with every single High elf, but magic is no longer a prevelant, and definint theme of their culture like it was among the Sin’dorei and traditional high elves.

The Warcraft Encyclopedia/High Elves

Like blood elves, high elves can use arcane magic, but most do not because most high elves are not spellcasters.

This is in stark contrast to Blood elves, who not only revere the arcane, but are largely made up of mages, and spellcasters. Magic is so innate, and ingrained in Blood elven culture that their very city cannot sustain itself without it, from the lamps and brooms that maintain the city’s appearance, to the very structures themselves.

It’s worth noting that the High elves from Allerian Stronghold are not the same as modern Alliance High elves, as unlike them they have been cut away from the events that led to the cultural segregation between Blood elves and High elves. That those structures were likely built far before the original splintering of the elves.

This is also likely why Allerian High elves have little quarrel with Blood elves, and likely relate to them more than the average, modern Alliance high elf. It explains why Auric was the High elf representative at the Sunwell, and not a longstanding Alliance high elf from stormwind.

This applies to most Alliance High elves actually, which is why they’re seen wearing human clothes, speaking mainly common, and rarely associating themselves with any elven themes themselves. My comment is not to say that High elves are completely different from Blood elves, but that they have culturally shifted in a different direction from traditional High elven themes than their Blood elven kin who still largely embrace their traditional themes and cultures.

In the end, my comment was to make the distinction that sayiing “High elven” doesn’t mean “Alliance high elf” but rather addressing the race as a whole.

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Ely here, very jealous that the blood elves got such a nice heritage armor kit, it does look good on the Paladin/Blood knight. Hoping for my NE and human to get something as thematically perfect that the Blood elves got.


And yet we see High Elves Priestesses and Sorceresses most of the time.

I’ve only ever seen one high elven priestess, and that was Aurora, and she wasn’t alliance. Can you site the other ones, as I’d love to see themself.

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You call that a touch of the void?

I’m talking about in general fodder during assaults and stuff. No one specific.

Would you rather look like an octopus with more than just tenticals?

I haven’t seen any High elves in any assaults either, only void elves. Can you at least cite one example of an alliance high elf priest, especially if you’re going to suggest that they’re common.

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