High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Is it entitlement though? Maybe it’s seen as such at times, but we know future allied races will be fan service. Hence why the request for High Elves is so strong

Thank you for your input though, hope to see more of you after your BG


I mean we all pay for this game… I don’t see how it’s “entitlement” when a bunch of us would like to see something.


RP is all about writing and imagination. I’ve used TRP and there’s a lot of things to fill in. Could set your race to “Cheeto Bag” if you wanted to.

Anyways, the big mistake I think is that they kept Alleria and company Alliance when the entire rest of the faction went Blood Elf. They should have either killed her off or made her a BE too.

Anyways, the never-ending entitlement is why Blizzard won’t talk to us. Thanks for being a part of that problem.

But why use an add-on when you can get Blizz to make it official?

I’m neutral on the matter.


What entitlement? I’m not sure you know what that means especially applying it in a race request thread, which is cosmetic and has no effect on gameplay.


That’s your opinion and you’re free to it. Several people and lore writers disagree however. As for the supposition that we won’t have more fun, there’s no way to quantify that. I’m enjoying my Kul’Tiran a whole lot more than a normal human.


Wasn’t item level something that was just an add-on at one point? I believe it was.


People claiming they were promised, they are owed, they deserve, etc.

None of that is true, it’s entitlement.

No one…ever said that though.


It’s not “the Sunreavers claiming it” you’re acting like Jaina is saying the Sunreavers are the only ones that taught humans magic, you have no proof here of that.

It’s like trying to take someone saying “hey Oranges are fruits you know!” to mean “Only oranges are fruits!”.

Also it was literally in what I quoted that showed the Silver Covenant has had citizens too:

The presence of the Sunreavers in the [Kirin Tor]'s ranks was opposed by a militant regiment of their [high elven] cousins, also of residence there, named the [Silver Covenant].

“Also of residence” aka High Elves living in Dalaran exempt from Blood Elf, Sunreavers, and Quel’thalas.

If you want to say it like that then we can also use in-game canon to show that High Elves and Blood Elves are different races as more recently per Elisande herself:

As the gathered forces approached the walls of Elisande’s citadel, the Grand Magistrix herself appeared as an immense projection and addressed the elven commanders. She proceeded to point out, with distaste, the various failings of each of the gathered races, before claiming that their failure would act as a symbol to any who would challenge the Nightborne.

Kaldorei? You disgrace a glorious past, hiding in trees and cloaking yourselves in false piety. You have grown as savage as the trolls that skulk about your forests.

Quel’dorei? You are peasants playing at nobility, all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline. You are unworthy of the name high elves.

Sin’dorei? Of all the elves, I thought you might understand the choice I made to save my people. Instead, you ally with misfits and monsters.

Each of you has debased your proud lineage. Each of you has forgotten the ancient power that is our birthright.


There’s almost no one in these threads that use those words. Its largely “we’d like, we’d love, it would be cool if, wouldn’t it be neat if, a lot of us would like to see.”


I’d agree with you if you were correct. It’s all over this thread and the previous one.

You aren’t quoting any of it though?


Of course nobody here is owed anything (other than access to the game they’re paying for)

But new allied races will come, and they’ll basically be fan service. Surely requesting an allied race with this info in mind isn’t entitlement, right?


I don’t know it was, idr.

My point was why bother with an add-on when a race could just be easily added and you don’t need to go such lengths to play pretend anymore?

I’m owed Tacos on tuesday.


God I could go for some tacos right now. I went to Chipotle last night, and boy oh boy do they have some good tacos


Sure if you ignore the fact that it isn’t?

I’m sorry that people requesting a race ticks you off. No one is demanding anything here.


I’m not ticked, I said earlier I thought it was funny. That’s the reverse of anger.

It ticks me off because reasons that can’t be explained or fathomed or NSFW in posting.