High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Galilee is not doing anything wrong.


This is pretty rude of you to say, don’t you think?


My only issue with her arguments is that they ultimately boil down to “they’re too similar to Blood Elves” which is fair enough

But when people try to suggest lore friendly ways in which they could be different we’re met with “There’s no lore justification for that”

All of WoW’s story is a jumbled mess of retcons and plot holes. Whereas the Draenei were given to the Alliance as a living retcon, suddenly High Elves can’t forge their own identity? It’s not as though any of us want to create a million new High Elves out of nothing. Nothing needs to be retconned to make High Elves different

If I were an anti, someone who was concerned with how High Elves could take too much of the Blood Elf identity and ruin their uniqueness, I’d be encouraging ways to make them different so long as those reasons made sense. Just my two cents


No, I’m using the definition literally as he can have no possible knowledge of financial or budget data from Blizzard itself defending that point despite having the flaws of it pointed out is the definition of obtuse.


No, your tone of post is being pretty rude to them for their opinion.

There is no “tone” to my text posts. Other than calling him a troll for arguing from an impossible point. You’re free to your opinion though, I’ve given you mine as requested.


Oh but there is.

Which he isn’t.

No, I actually pay 50 dollars a week for my opinion.

Any tone you’re inferring is your own issue.


It’s actually the thread’s issue because we’re trying to keep this place a peaceful place to talk High Elves and how they can be made and you aren’t helping by being rude to others who have a differing opinion.

You’re free to your opinion and I’m free to mine, thank you.


A big oof.

Let’s just drop this and try to be more positive going forward.


I’m a very positive person.


That’s the issue here, we are always going to be met with a “no” for High Elves from Fyre, no matter how much we suggest ways to make them unique. It’s no use. No point to compromise with someone who don’t want to give any ground.
For me i prefer to just keep brainstorming and thinking big about High Elves because i get more from that than trying to argue with a wall or compromise with someone who don’t give a dam about Alliance’s identity and storytelling.


I really fail to see how pointing out that Blizzard cannot work on literally every project that crosses their desk without not working on other projects makes me some big epic trole.

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You are, and I’d like to thank you very much for being so


Hi all. I’ve been flipping through this thread for chuckles while I wait in BG queues, and I thought I’d throw in a couple cents.

Threads like this are a prime example of why the Devs won’t talk to us. The entitlement is through the roof.

You won’t have “more fun as a High Elf”, you’ll have exactly the same amount of fun (for better or worse since it’s BfA).

Race is just a skin and voice pack, and a racial you think will mean something but it’s not Orc, Stoneskin, or Shadowmeld so it actually won’t.

Ok, thank you. Carry on.

Pretty sure you are having a lot of fun with this Zandalari.


Shockingly, a very comparable amount of fun when I was a Darkspear.

You can’t use this for an argument when Roleplay is involved and all the options you desire are fully unlocked.