High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Nightborne was isolated for 10,000 years. High Elves and Blood Elves were not splitted from each other for that long.


Well for one you’re only considering Sylvanas’s story as having started this xpac. This xpac, if anything, was the culmination of her story up to this point. The reason the Horde was willing to do what she wanted at Teldrassil was because of her leadership against the Legion.

Then this xpac began with her declaring war on the Alliance after she realised, or at least as far as anyone know she realised, after Genn attacked her during Legion despite the fact there was an armistice that the Alliance would never fully let the Horde be and keep attacking them over the past.

The war was planned as a way to force a new status quo leading into a lasting peace where the Horde was on top and not at risk of coming under attack.

So her doing right by her people allowed her to manipulate them into doing something evil for the greater good.

I dunno why you’re bringing up stuff we know now, we didn’t know she was in the service of death until after the story concluded. Tyrande’s only just entering the first part. Once she starts talking you into some war crimes, then you’ll be on the way.

Being fat is enough to make one “race” become another. So, as long High Elves doesn’t look like a Blood Elf, I’m sure most people will not be upset.


You’re talking about Kul Tiran and Humans. They’re both the same race and both are on Alliance.

This is talking about Blood Elves and High Elves. Both the exact same race and on opposing factions.

Thing is, the High Elves look exactly like the Blood Elves. Neither one has gone through any mutation changes or any evolutional changes.

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Just like Blood Elves and Void Elves then.

That’s not true, Blood Elves have been exposed or have been dealing with fel, holy, and blood magic. While the High Elves in the Alliance have been dealing with none of it, and at the same time, are integrating other race’s cultures, also, some of them have been able to get rid of their magic addiction.

As I replied to Broflake, the High Elves we’re seeing in the Alliance are not even following the same culture of the High Elves of the past, prior to Sunwell’s destruction.

Those differences can easily give key features to expand from in their models.

But, I get it, Sara. You’re like Fyre and Soft, don’t wanna see any shape or form of High Elves in the Alliance, and you’ll remain here as long it takes to be sure they’ll not happen in any shape proposed.


I am? I just summed up the whole history she has had of not caring at all for the forsaken or blood elves. But okay.


Blood Elves were only exposed to the fel radiation.

The High Elves are still connected to the Sunwell. You do know that right?

Oh right, because they intergrate with other races means they’re a completely new race and going to get a completely new model.

I have my own reasons why I don’t want to see High Elves on Alliance to be playable. And Softsong has came up with very strong facts to reasons why they should not be playable. It is just those like you that wants to ignore those facts.


I personally don’t see why anyone would be opposed of adding more flavour to this game…in all fairness, diversity in WoW races is probably one of the few things keeping this game alive. even reskins (Lightforged, Dark Iron, Void Elves, High Mountain)

People love to make Alts, Rp, play races they been following and wanting for 15 years!, I know so many people who go through 20-110/120 for heritage armour, new race and class options.

People opposing a race, let alone High Elves which has been requested for Alliance since 2004 strike me as odd, I just think more flavour in a game that seems to be going stale isn’t a bad thing… and will draw a lot of players back! Which is a good thing!.

In my opinion, anything that will bring players back to WoW is a great thing for the game, I personally know so many people who would come back for High Elves, Wildhammer Dwarves and Ogres.

Why restrict WoW even more, it’s getting tough, have you played on oceanic servers… it seriously is going quiet… it’s very sad, let’s bring new life with more races!!!

Let’s not hate eachother… we should be joining up against blizzard, they should be working for us! We have been subscribed for 15 years!, maybe it’s about time they started getting more in touch with the community :grin:


Now let me ask you a question:

In your personal opinion, there’s any way possible that High Elves can be added?


speaking for myself i prefer the status quo and want it to continue. i dont deny that a few actual alliance high elves do exist and theres nothing wrong with a couple flavor NPCs to reflect that lore. but thats all they are and should continue to be

i mean are they a major race in terms of lore? no. it has been confirmed there are very few of them. they do not have a leader within the higher echelons of the alliance, veressa works under the kirin tor and alleria is the void elf racial leader

are they a major race in terms of gameplay? no. during the time period of isle of thunder, the kirin tor had joined the alliance and the SC was free to let rip. this is literally the only time as horde you kill high elves. its a moment stuck in time when the kirin tor had explicitly made a choice in the faction war and yet right now, they are neutral again. and that isnt likely to change so wheres their hub going to come from? highvale are just a few hermits they certainly arent a bastion of high elf civilization. so there really are ‘only a couple’ out there for the alliance just like ion said. it really does come back to if you want to be a traditional high elf the horde is there for you

the only way without infringing on blood elves is what blizzard gave you already, void elves. or the one thing your side never proposes, reunification


They are already made playable. It is just people that are upset because they’re on Horde.


So in other words, you understand what we’re asking for is in fact: not playable.

But choose to continue with troll answers like “they are playable”.

Speculations and fear mongering the “worst case scenario if high elves are added” is not “strong facts”.

Know what is strong facts? Alliance High elves presence in the Alliance endgame stories since wrath and upwards to even BFA, as minimal as you and Fyre want to believe that is.

That’s not even counting the mountains of evidence in the OP itself that Casmir so gracious put together, I suggest taking the time to actually read it.


Not playable on Alliance =/= They are playable on Horde

So, can we actually so call all the so called facts that the pro-helfers have made speculations as well?

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I missed this one, but as I said before, if being fat is enough to have another model I’m sure a different lifestyle and culture for a couple decades also is. I’m not saying that they need to become another race to have a different model, though.

I mean, Void Elves have the same model of Blood Elves crossed the faction line and is considered another race, meanwhile, Kul’tirans have another model, compared to Humans, but are not considered a different race… Meanwhile, the Nightborne maintained fairly the same color scheme of Night Elves and received another model and is considered another race.

So, in short, what’s needed for one race to become playable is either another color scheme or another model. They don’t need both things.


Ok, first of all, I hate it when people use the Argument of Kul’Tiran and Humans to try and use it in the same argument of High Elves and Blood Elves. Lets get this straight. They both on Alliance. Blood Elves and High Elves are not all on Horde or Alliance.

Second of all, the Void Elves are added to Alliance so the Alliance has a Blood Elf model as to Nightborne being added as to Horde having the Night Elf mdoel. And to the argument of making High Elves like Nightborne, giving them a different model… It doesn’t work like that. Nightborne went through 10,000 years of isolation, and changes, they have developed the way that they are over a course of several thousands of years.

The Third War only happened in game terms, maybe a couple of decades ago (give or take), and neither the Blood Elves or High Elves went through any physical changes. And as for the Void Elves, yes, they are exactly like both parties, they did go through some changes, I.E Skin Colour, Tenticals, Etc.

And on top of that, the Void Elves went under Alleria’s rule as Alleria has found a way to use the void without doing any major damage to themselves. The Exiled Blood Elves that went into studying the void, got too much into it to the point the Sunwell was a huge danger to themselves, therefore, losing all connections with the Sunwell.

How ever, the High Elves are still connected with the Sunwell, and this will also include that High Elves would be getting the Golden Eyes too.

What about the nightborne? They’re similar to kaldorei in biology and any argument suggesting that they’re different can just as well be applied to high elves


What I’m trying to explain to you is, that based on the Allied Races added, and the ones that crossed the faction line, only one thing is needed, it’s either:

  • A new color scheme with some minor features.
  • A new model with new animations, face, and body structure.

You don’t need to be angry about it. I only pointed out that’s not needed 10.000 years to build up a different body/model shape.

Also, while many people keep telling that both High Elves and Blood Elves are connected to the Sunwell (that’s true), it’s not clear the extent of this connection, High Elves could’ve been draining like 50% less energy than Blood Elves since most of them live far from it. I’m saying this because we’re not seeing High Elves with golden eyes, regardless of their connection with the light, and they also don’t have any corruption to be cleansed, so it should be easier for them than Blood Elves to get golden eyes.


Have you read my post?

  1. I am not angry about it, nor is there any sign of anger within my post.
  2. I just explained why it wouldn’t work.

While that maybe true, nobody knows actually the full extent of what the High Elves has done to help with there addiction, and for them to keep the same figure as what they are, means they had to be doing something, and be draining from other sources.

But the thing is, there was no corruption within the Blood Elves themselves.

So what I am understanding from the sources given by the original post. Blood elves arent the race in its entirety, but instead a “clan” of elves. the blood elves, sin’dorei, broke off from the high elves being led by Kael’thas Sunstrider to create their own faction among elven kind.

so from what i’ve gathered, high elves and blood elves are both the same race, elves, they are just part of different clans. so it could be possible for there to be high elves introduced for the alliance. theyd be the exact same as the blood elves, but i think what will really divide them is their culture, not their race.

But hey im just an ignorant filthy casual, what do i know?


Don’t be harsh on yourself.

Look at the Pandaren and how bad that worked out when they were made available across both factions.

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