High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Yeah I mean its technically the same concept though. theyre the same race just with different viewpoints. and i’m sure as time goes on the pandaren on the horde side will have a vastly different culture to the ones on the alliance.

I think its best to look irl for a second. we are all humans, yet what divides us all is how we have grown and the culture we have found ourselves in. this technically holds true for the the blood elves and high elves, even the pandaren. heck, there have been so many new elf races introduced its easy to forget that they are all technically elves! the only thing that divides them is how they grew and adapted to their environment!

  1. Lore is malleable to blizzard. High elves could easily use another rig, like the human rig as an example

  2. High elves, like the nightborne, chose a different lifestyle and path than the blood elves, as you have put it


Why do I have the feeling that your not reading my post properly!

You’re asking for the same race to be nuetral across both factions. Blizzard admitted to that being a mistake for Pandaren as it is hard to move them forward with the lore.

Ion has even said in the past, if you want playable High Elves, the Horde is waiting for you.

Why do I have the feeling you’re cherry picking your facts and imposing double standards?

Ok, the devs thought it was a mistake to make pandaren neutral, but they also said the same thing about making blood elves horde. Metzen said something to the effect of them being out of place with orcs, trolls, and undead

But sure, go ahead, blindly continue to quote Ion without considering the context and nuance of it helps your argument


Bad? Pandaren are more popular than Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins and every single Allied Race except Void Elves.

Your opinion =/= reality

No, they never said such a thing. One Blizzard ex-employee shared that, in his personal opinion, Pandaren shouldn’t have been neutral. You’re again mixing opinions with facts.

I hate it when people don’t realize that making a subfaction of a race physically different from the rest of the race does not depend on their faction. If it did, we wouldn’t have Void Elves or Nightborne.


Source? And not everyone has unlocked all the Allied Races yet. So ofcourse every core race is going to be more popular than the Allied Races.

What facts are then you referring to?

Source? I don’t remember them ever saying that.

Oh right, because you also have been doing the same thing as well? Well, not quoting what Ion has said, but trying to underminded the actual facts to try and make a logical argument.

Realmpop. There are a total of 128,440 lvl 120 Pandaren characters in US realms.

You saying “Pandaren are bad” or “devs said they were a mistake”.


And your comment exactly:

Now, lets tally that up, shall we?

NA Race Faction Popularity EU Race Faction Popularity
1 Blood Elf Horde 16.2% 1 Human Alliance 15.1%
2 Human Alliance 14.5% 2 Blood Elf Horde 15.1%
3 Night Elf Alliance 11.6% 3 Night Elf Alliance 11.6%
4 Orc Horde 6.9% 4. Orc Horde 7.6%
5 Tauren Horde 6% 5 Undead Horde 6.7%
6 Undead Horde 5.9% 6 Tauren Horde 6.1%
7 Draenei Alliance 5.7% 7 Troll Horde 5.8%
8 Troll Horde 5.5% 8 Draenei Alliance 5.3%
9 Worgen Alliance 4.9% 9 Worgen Alliance 4.4%
10 Gnome Alliance 4.1% 10 Dwarf Alliance 4%
11 Dwarf Alliance 3.8% 11 Gnome Alliance 3.7%
12 Goblin Alliance 2.9% 12 Goblin Horde 2.7%
13 Pandaren (A) Alliance 2.2% 13 Pandaren (A) Alliance 2.3%
14 Pandaren (H) Horde 2.2% 14 Pandaren (H) Horde 2.2%
15 Void Elf Alliance 1.8% 15 Void Elf Alliance 1.8%
16 Nightborne Horde 1.4% 16 Nightborne Horde 1.4%
17 Lightforged Draenei Alliance 0.9% 17 Mag’har Orc Horde 0.9%
18 Dark Iron Dwarf Alliance 0.8% 18 Zandarlari Troll Horde 0.9%
19 Mag’har Orc Horde 0.8% 19 Dark Iron Dwarf Alliance 0.8%
20 Zandalari Troll Horde 0.8% 20 Lightforged Draenei Alliance 0.8%
21 Highmountain Tauren Horde 0.8% 21 Highmountain Tauren Horde 0.7%
22 Kul Tiran Human Alliance 0.4% 22 Kul Tiran Human Alliance 0.3%

Yeah, Pandaren’s are actually the lease core race played out of each faction.

I said the devs said it was a mistake to make then nuetral to both factions as it is hard to move them forward within the lore. I didn’t say they were bad or a mistake.

Read a post properly.

Wow, I am pretty sure I said a bunch of stuff about how I don’t want to play blood elves and why, as well as additions other than eye color. Maybe you have been arguing against this so long you have stopped reading what people have to say to talk over them.

Regardless, a new blood elf eye color is not what I want and -when I read the thread(s)- not what a lot of other high elf supporters want.


If I remember correctly, “Blizzard” never said such a thing. One person who used to work at Blizzard said that… and said it some time after he left Blizzard.


He’s not wrong. Sum Pandaren from both factions together and you get their real rank.

BTW, you used total population, which is very innaccurate because it counts characters long abandoned and players that left the game in past expansions. We usually only count max level characters to have a closer idea of what people are actually playing.

No, what Ghostcrawler said was just his personal opinion as a non-employee after he left Blizzard.


Even the total max characters are inacurate as they also count the inactive.

Yeah, but it’s closer to real numbers than counting everything, even people who left in WotLK or characters that haven’t been played since WoD.


Wouldn’t exactly count on it. Nobody exactly knows how much is truely inactive.

And that’s exactly why improving accuracy is desirable.

It doesn’t matter if the 120 population is innaccurate, it still has more accuracy than global population.


well it isn’t. we have the raid testing and sylvanas isn’t the final boss.


the majority of orcs were only exposed to the fel radiation. very few actually drank it.


[citation needed]

In Rise of the Horde only the Frostwolves don’t drink.

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the warriors going through the portal drank it. The majority of the horde did not drink it. they were around it for so long it changed them through radiation.

So after the first war when the rest of the horde was being brought through those orcs hadn’t drunk the blood.


Only the chieftains and a few chosen lieutenants drank blood.

The orcs were already green before that, due to warlocks replacing shamans and using fel magic in their daily lives.