High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

And now you’ve seen that you’re wrong so you’re moving the goalpost.

You know what would really be cool? If they set up an official poll to see just what people wanted exactly. Although I’d imagine it would irritate a lot of trolls that feed off these threads.


If Blizzard thought like you they would never add any Race besides the 8 original Vanilla Races because making a new playable race requires resources and budget that could be used in something else like content. You are showing much knowledge or understanding of how game design and development works.
You and most people crusading against High Elves or other Allied Races think too small.


I mean…you’re free to go make a race request thread of your own?

No one is holding a blade to Blizzards throat DEMANDING for high elves. This is just a suggestion thread. If it happens great, if not, oh well!

If there’s a race you wish to see in the future instead of high elves, go request it. There’s literally nothing stopping you.


This isn’t a counter argument though?

Budget for High Elves. People want to play them.


You’re making a rational, adult statement and you only have to go to the opposing thread to see that we’re not dealing with rational adults here.

“Someone wants something in the game that we don’t want so they shouldn’t be able to have it either!”

/vultures descend


The original post claimed that people who don’t want more elves in the game were being ridiculous because high elves wouldn’t affect them at all. I was explaining how adding high elves means they’d be adding high elves in lieu of something non-elven. Whether or not people want to play high elves is a completely different discussion.

Explain to me how you understand the internal functioning of World of Warcraft’s development.


No you’re right, clearly I was mistaken and they have unlimited time, manpower and resources. They’re the only company on earth that aren’t limited to working on a limited number of projects.

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And it behooves them to see High Elves implemented.

After all, there are a finite amount of lore elven races, and no other with the support that High Elves have.

So, if High Elves are made playable, then they can finally get some attention to their, “I want to play X” race polls.


Again, whether or not that’s true is a completely different discussion.

That was not the argument put forth.


Does implementing High Elves take resources away from other things?


Does this mean Blizzard doesn’t have the resources to build multiple races at once?

looks at BFA


Non-issue. Moving on.


At this point, adding something to this game that players could actually get excited about would be a GOOD thing.

Additionally, they’re setting themselves up for another Bliz moment of saying they listen to their players and want people to have fun and that they’re paying attention to the forums to see what people WANT to play … if they don’t consider adding High Elves then they’re words will once again be just empty fodder.


It could be if a private server had someone who could use coding to race change all the void elves to high elves on said server and droves of players flock to it to play High Elves. In that instance it would in fact become a legal issue. (Not saying this should happen, but there is always a chance it could)


Thank you.

That’s moving the goalposts. I can’t be expected to rebut issues that aren’t raised.

While I plant my flag firmly in the pro High Elf camp, there’s no need for so much aggression towards Galilee or Fyre. Too many people view the pro Helf crowd as toxic, let’s try to change that

I haven’t seen any recent posts from the anti Helf people that warrant any nasty responses. We can argue and debate in a civil manner


Fyre is dishonestly posting misinformation here and multiple times trolled the thread and tried to derail it. I don’t think that means we should be toxic towards her but i don’t think she deserves to be treated seriously.


Naa not going to be toxic, just going to not respond to her going forward. Safer and less insane that way.


I understand that, but i will never argue seriously with her ever. She don’t deserve our attention, positive or negative.

I get you guys want everyone to be respectful, but i will not suddenly start to hug and hear people that are being disingenuous.


Or Galilee for that matter. Being that blatantly obtuse is just someone looking to crap on someone else’s opinion.