High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

At this point i’m going to follow the age old wisdom of simply not feeding the trolls.


For the argument of “its too many elves” only players who want elves are going to roll elves. The overall elf population is unlikely to change. You’re also fighting against variety which is crazy as most complaints about this game are stating lack of content.


You’re acting like introducing one thing exists in a vacuum, it doesn’t. If they do one race it means they’re doing them in place of something else.


You’re acting like doing High Elves would take away from something else. You’ve no proof of that, no supporting context to pull from, and you’re unaware of what they’re currently working on under cover at this current moment. In fact the sheer number of allied races would seem to defeat that argument entirely. Moreover as shown by the community there is a large chunk of people who would support this, who are you to tell them which has more merit ?


Do I really need to explain to you what a budget is?

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Lmao. You’re not seriously going to try to argue that Blizzard doesn’t have the budget for it are you? The company that just rehashed Classic WoW? Really? Support your supposition.


There’s a word for posts like these that rhyme with floor flan.

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I can see you’re nothing but a Troll. Its ok there’s a lot of you in threads like this. Seriously trying to use Blizzard’s budget as a reason why they shouldn’t make high elves .


Eh. There is a lot to unpack there.

So like Warcraft III killed all the Elves in Quel’thalas, who were later resurrected by TBC and the Blood of the Highborne novel - They just didn’t all get killed.

In Warcraft III Archimonde razes the city of Dalaran to the ground and Arthas kills everybody in it…

and then in Warcraft Chronicles they’re like, “Oh the city was evacuated.”

So like the Blood Elves, the citizens of Dalaran got a new lease on life.

In Warcraft III there is a mission where Garithos rounds up the Blood Elves for dealing with the Naga and attempts to have them executed. But they escape. Romath talks about how the Kirin Tor didn’t help the Blood Elves when they were scheduled to be executed.

But the townspeople of Dalaran makes it probable that those Elves who were going to be executed only included Kael’thas’s retinue (Of which, Kael’thas was a part of.)

Without asking the Lore writers that part will probably remain fuzzy.

Then there is the quest text from the quest: Fate of Dalaran https://wow.gamepedia.com/The_Fate_of_Dalaran

Though it is likely that whenever Jaina refers to Sunreavers she simply means the Elves from Quel’thalas, Since it was the Convocation of Silvermoon that created the Council of Tirisfal.

See previous entry. The Council of Tirisfal occurred 2,000 years in the past.

Aethas Sunreaver is described as a young elf in, In the Shadow of the Sun, and the Sunreavers are literally named after him.


ur a trole lel.

No you muppet, but if they budget to do high elves that means they won’t do another race.

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Better to budget for High Elves, which people genuinely want to play, than Gilblin who like three people want to play.

This isn’t an issue. It’s budget well spent.


You have zero knowledge of their finances, just like the rest of us. Zero knowledge of what they’ve budgeted out and most importantly zero knowledge of what a race actually costs. Back under your bridge.


Blizzard do whatever they want to do, what’s the point? They can add more later, they also can add other Allied Races before High Elves too, so what?


It’s her “thing.” She makes things up and tries to pass them off as factual.

It’s truly laughable.


another elf race?

I will pass

And yet they don’t ever create a thread on what they WANT the budget spent on.

“I don’t want High Elves! I won’t play them!”
“Well, what do you want?”
“I don’t know but I don’t want High Elves! PROTECT THE BUDGET!”



I’m not saying I do. It’s not bloody rocket science. If they do Thing A, it means that’s where the resources that could otherwise gone into Thing B goes. They might well be able to do both Thing A and Thing B but that means they won’t do Thing C.

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I don’t understand why people go in the forums for ask Blizzard not to do something or to do nothing. If people want things to remain as they are they should be playing the game not posting in the forums.


No but you seem to have some magical insight to what players want Blizzard’s budget back on. This is the last time I’m replying to your trollish posts. I shall feed you no longer, lumpy sir.


Yeah I think their time would be better spent making a case for what they actually want to see instead of a vague “no more elves, we want something different”.

It’s fine to want something instead but saying no to one thing without actually having suggestions for what they would want instead, it just feels like they don’t care what else is added as long as it’s not high elves.