High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Now that the antis are here, can you please tell me how adding playable high elfs hurts you in anyway?


Faction identity, possible balance issues, too many elves off the top of my head.

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How does that hurt you? Blood elves wont be touched


You don’t know, that’s what’s concerning. If you introduce them and you’re wrong, you can’t undo it.


canonically, there are two few high elves to justify them being an allied race. void elves are largely hinted at in game that they have found a way to make more, its just unconfirmed. even muir admitted last night that this was likey

from out of game interviews, we know the developers believe that blood elves are high elves, that high elves are already playable and that there is no need to replicate the same race with a different adjective on the other faction

it would also allow the alliance to redefine what a high elf is as they see fit. a right that does not belong to them

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Faction identity … cause having Blood Elf traitors join the Alliance and Night Elf descendants join the Horde didn’t destroy faction identity but High Elves would.

So many of them hitch their wagon to this one and they’re usually posting on Blood Elves which hardcore Horde players don’t even think SHOULD be a Horde race cause THEY don’t fit the Horde “faction identify.”

High Elves won’t affect them but you’d think they’d be the ruination of the entire game they way these people go on about them.


Don’t put words in our mouths.


Check the forums: it’s been said many times over by Horde players that Blood Elves don’t belong.

Unlike some, I don’t state things out of hyperbole or head cannon.

This thread is about ideas and possibilities. Alternative threads are festering boils of negativity discussing how something some people don’t want to play in the game should be something NO ONE gets to play in the game.


Some players have said that, I’m sure some players have said they want Forsaken or orcs out of the Horde too. I’m sure some Alliance players have said they want night elves or humans out of the Alliance.


And you dont know any more than I do.

But if so many left the alliance just to play blood elves or players arent playing alliance simply because they can only play them on horde (due to your claim that so many would ditch horde just because of high elves)… I really dont think its fair to keep people on one side and hog the assets that the alliance essentially got ripped off for in the first place.

They didnt care how many left alliance to play blood elves, I dont see why they should care this time around either.


It hasnt been explained how this hurts them as well. It reeks of entitlement.


I disagree, without those people pre-BC was a lot harder for the Horde.

Stop that, the blood elves were neutral in pre-BC, they became Horde in BC. At no point were they an Alliance race that we stole in the night.

Because they WANTED people to leave the Alliance to play blood elves, we were outnumbered 2 or 3 to 1.


How are you always wrong on the lore? You’re almost always wrong, or don’t know the full story. Its crazy you’re still commenting on this.


Horde havent always had Blood Elves, but Alliance have had High Elves on their side since the first day of the game. They should have given Alliance the High Elves from the start.

Oh I feel so bad when Alliance essentially have no raid scene or PvP talent. The pity party might work if Horde were still the underdogs, but they arent.

I am well aware of how Blizz treats horde vs alliance, and I dont see it as an excuse.


you know all you did there was state a personal opinion without any supporting evidence to the contrary. this is the problem with the entire pro high elf position. an opinion without supporting facts is not an argument, its an opinion

time and time and time again I ask for a shred of evidence to back up what the pro high elf commuity are saying and each time you simply state your opinion without that evidence as if that is good enough

it isnt

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You get disproven on almost every single post then you simply go “Nuh uh” and ask for more evidence despite the fact that its dumped on you every single time. Its not a personal opinion. You’re bad at this.


That poster repeats the same thing over and over if you read their responses. Its best not to even pay them any attention.


you just did it again

Yea I’m getting that. Its just disappointing that she’s clogging up this thread.


But if no one responds she can quote people all day and reply, but then shes just spamming with the exact same baseless points and having a conversation with herself.