High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Bolvar says hello

Bolvar is the lichking.
Between you and I though?
I would have loved an unholy fire spec.
Missed opportunity really.

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Heresy! Reeeeeeeeee

Personally if they did a fourth spec I’d like it to have either a bone or Nerubian theme to follow the theme with the DK specs where they followed the WC Undead hero units (Death Knight - Unholy, Dreadlord - Blood, Lich - Frost) to go along with the Crypt Lord.

as usual, it helps if you have any evidence of your own to present in contrast

yet the only evidence we have for a group of high elves in Dalaran are the sunreavers, who even had a quarter named after them and which existed prior to the citys destruction. high elves were always the minority in dalaran and as the only high elf organization in dalaran any high elf coming to dalaran would have at one point in time been a member

as for the phrase ‘helped humans discover magic’, the obvious interpretation is that they were helping Humans in the same way any teacher helps a student discover something. it does not mean there was a collective effort between multiple groups of elves all simultaneously attempting to teach humans magic. for one thing, we have absolutely no evidence that any other group existed

because ‘the sunreavers were one of the groups of elves who helped humans discover magic’ is as easy to say, without losing focus on the sunreavers, as “The very same Sunreavers who helped humans discover magic in the first place?”.

its established in game by jaina. with the later phrasing clearly emphasises the mentor role the sunreavers had in the past. had their been other groups this could have easily been implied. as for accusing me of forcing the interpretation to suit my needs, that is deeply ironic(as usual)

remember, YOU are the one trying to invent a group of elves we have never heard of before in an attempt to provide a basis for an allied race. there is no evidence such a group exists, the only group we have evidence for having a long term residence is the sunreavers. they are the only group who have ever been mentioned as traineing humans in magical arts

attempting to create another group to fulfill your purposes is a request for a retcon

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This is my void elf. I will race change her to high elf when the race becomes available for alliance. She was named after the high elf Fiona Longears from Auberdine. I will never compromise by making a blood elf.


They weren’t the Sunreavers until after they were blood elves. While some of the Sunreavers were among the number that taught humans magic. Saying they were always Sunreavers is twisting the lore to suit your argument. They at the time were High Elves. Later after the Blood Elves joined the Horde, they sought readmission to Dalaran under the banner of the Sunreavers. So in short, Sunreavers were since their founding, and Blood Elf organization. Just as the Silver Covenant was a High Elf organization.

Sources: Wowhead and Wowpedia.


The horde are dominating PvE and PvP participation… and youre worried about them?



again, the pro high elf community does not have a veto on defining what a high elf is especially considering the way they define it, as excluding blood elves, is incorrect. we have multiple blizzard sources confirming that blood elves are high elves. if you want to specify a specific group of high elves, you can use a qualifying adjective such as ‘alliance’, ‘dalaran’ or ‘silver covenant’. but attempting to define that group as high elves, and then defining blood elves as outside that group, is exactly the sort of problem allowing playable alliance high elves cause. blood elves are the heirs and successors to the high elf narrative, which they carry forward within the storyline

blood elves can no more cut off their racial relationship with high elves than you or i can cut off our race relationship with humanity. blood elves ARE high elves of every single level. biologically, no difference. culturally, no difference. thematically, no difference. The only thing that was changed was a single adjective in recognition of what they had lost. yet into that single change of adjective you and the pro high elf community imagine a chasm of difference that nobody else sees

as stated before i reject the right of pro alliance high elf community to redefine the term high elf as they see fit. IDC that when you say high elf it means a small group of refugees and traitors occupying a few apartments in dalaran whom you assign the right to determine what a high elf is. that is not your right and NEVER will be


Honestly as far as the qualifying adjective, I listed my sources. If you do not care for that use, then I suggest you take it up with the creators. You can get angry about it and reject it all you want.

However, to claim that you are speaking true to the lore when you are easily contradicted by established sources just make you look even more trolly then you already do.

Blood Elves are former High Elves. No one here disputes that fact. Are there High Elves that didn’t change their name to Blood Elves, sure there are those. Blizzard would not have set that distinction if it weren’t necessary in the lore. You are looking at different factions of elves. Just like you have different factions of orcs, Tauren, dwarves, and so on.

High Elves hate Blood Elves. This is established lore. (source: Lorthimar story on the blizzard site, it’s a good read. Also the conflict story in Wrath and Mop, Silver Coveant Vs the Sunreavers, and the Kirin Tor offensive VS the Sunreaver Onslaught).

We are asking to play those that are in the Alliance. That is a simple and undisputed fact. So feel free to reject the definition of the term High Elf. That is your right as a subscriber to Wow. You can accept or reject the lore.


forcing an equivalence or headcanon to justify your rhetoric is not how this works. when I say i have evidence, i have actual evidence. i have interviews. i have lore. i have in game occurrences

this is not a level debating field. the anti high elf position is superior to the pro high elf position in every single way in terms of debate. the number of pro high elf people I have seen reduced ultimately to ‘but blizzard can change it if they want to’ or ‘but they exist’ as their final point is quite large. that last part is true ofc, but it is the position of someone who has nothing else to offer

i mean take your response here

did you attempt to provide other evidence? no you just typed “sources” at the end

you simply went with false equivalence without evidence


Here you are.


The Sunreavers aren’t just a blood elf organisation though, they’re primarily a mage organisation unlike the Silver Covenant which is primarily a hunter organisation. Most if not all Sunreavers are full members of the Kirin Tor and they used to have a seat on the Council of Six.

Yes, Horde are dominating PvE and PvP but that’s largely due to current balance and story issues. Those are things that can be fixed with patches. Adding high elves is a permanent and irreversable change.

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She’s not saying that, Jaina said that.

Those who present mostly head cannon and tell us all what the devs REALLY meant when they’ve said something should NOT be asking others to validate their statements.


even your gamepedia link says sunreavers were a founding part of dalaran and have been there for thousands of years :roll_eyes:

the only reason the horde was even allowed in dalaran was because of aethas, who sat on the council of six at the time. it was the sunreavers establishing this connection to the horde that caused vereesa to get a few other elves who had alliance sympathies to form the SC :woman_shrugging:

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I mean, I’m not sure if you’re talking about him or the helfer movement in general with this statement.

“No, no, here’s how high elves could be different physically from blood elves”

“No, no, when the devs said ‘we don’t want to do high elves’, here’s what they really meant”


Just like they said they would never add classic, right? Lmfao.


See? You’re doing it right now.

As far as I’m aware the lack of high elves won’t become a legal issue Blizzard will need to rectify in order to protect their IP in looser copyright regions.


I dont think so. I think it has been happening over years and a race isnt going to cause some mass exodus that suddenly leaves the horde without people.

Youve got blood elves. Why should we continue getting crappy races just so you dont feel threatened?