High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

All the more reason to eliminate factions, or at the very least allow players to permanently switch their horde blood elves (and other races) to alliance. (or vice versa)

Bring down the faction walls for players who want to, not the entire game, and then alliance could have the “high elves” on alliance as well…

No need to create a new race, just a few cosmetics and quest chains and voila.


Think Blood Elf players tend to want more than most other players.

You already got the option for green AND yellow eyes, at this point wanting more seems greedy.

Antis are exactly doing that.


The other day I mistook a Blood Elf Death Knight as a Void Elf Warrior, so whatever “blurring” you think might happen already is.

Basically people are saying you got your compromise race Alliance now shut up. You think Horde will get a compromise race? I don’t they will somehow.


She look awesome with the Silver Covenant Tabard.

Gotta honor our fellow Alliance Thalassians.


Calling people ‘greedy’ isn’t helpful.

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Coming into a High Elf thread to tell people to shut up isn’t either.


She hasn’t done that.

I didn’t see anyone telling other people to ‘shut up’. But maybe I missed it.
Still if that’s wrong…it’s still wrong when you call other people ‘greedy’.


They seem to have missed the mouseover tooltips saying High Elf, Elisandre addressing the High Elves as Quel’dorei instead of Sin’dorei, and all the Blood Elf/High Elf interfactional conflicts over past nine years.

Better tell Ion to get the dev team on that. Because it would look really stupid if he just talked out his butt to try and shut people up.


You’re right, SHE hasn’t.

Doesn’t mean multiple other Antis haven’t.

18k posts is a lot to read, but the proof is there.


Probably they won’t, like don’t y’all realize that by not making the eye glow noticeable in the model, they can use them as either BE or HE without an alternate skin?? They can just edit the portraits, and we have seen in those, most have their eyes either blue or green.


Oh we know you don’t get things, or know stuff.

At this point of the thread to claim ignorance is just your choice.


Then instead of accusing me or other Blood Elf players of being ‘greedy’ how about you address the person who offended you directly? Seems as if you’re just trying to cause trouble.

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I personally want more customization for everyone. But some belf players want blue eyes for belves just because they think it will shut down the high elf request.


I don’t need someone to officially state it to deduce that it was clearly their intention? This feels more like a petty argument over semantics than anything actually progressive to the conversation. Void elves are a “flavor” of High elves, their attempt to give you something you wanted but altered in order to allow them playable on the opposite faction. If the shoe fits.

For what purpose exactly? Danuser doesn’t respond to every single tweet someone asks him, he’s not being forced to respond - if he simply didn’t know who Lanesh was why google him and then pretend to know who he is, and even push that lie further by then suggesting that he already has an established story? (Something you wouldn’t even know from a simple google search.)

The purpose of your idea was solely to undermine something you didn’t like, regardless of who was actually saying it.

Fortunately it doesn’t matter what you do, and don’t buy, because that isn’t the point at all. You came up with an entirely fabricated, and unfounded theory to undermine a tweet posted by a lead narrative designer that has already established many blood elven pieces of lore via twitter, while I’m simply taking him for his word as one of Blizzard’s official lead narrative designers. One of these things is not like the other.

The fact that you’re sitting here trying to critize me for coming to a perfectly reasonable conclusion over Void elves while you have completely made up arguments to undermine things you don’t like is pretty laughable.

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This doesn’t answer the question.

we want them because they make sense lorewise and they already exist. and because they are the high elves proper. and they probably will happen with eye color customization. i can even see them adding several shades of blues, purples, greens, and gold etc


No, we can be fans of high elves also and be happy with them on the Horde. Blue eyes for Blood Elves represents advancing their lore beyond TBC by returning their natural eye color.


Sure some do. But so what?
Just because some people might have an ulterior motive shouldn’t be a reason to negate our requests, should it?

Before I go to work on my new house some more I would like to remind everyone not to feed the trolls on either side of the argument.

Also it’s looking like this thread is going to get capped before Blizzcon unfortunately.