High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Wrong. He’s stating that it’s something he didn’t know he needed until it happened.



As frequently? They’ve been asked for, for some time now. When he was asked about why they chose Void elves over High elves he didn’t correct the question, or say they weren’t, he explained why the race was visually changed, and why those changes were important in a game where faction-conflict is prevalent.

That when Danuser confirmed that he did know who Lanesh the Steelweaver was, and that he did have his own backstory he wanted to implement in game at a later point, you then came up with this wild story that he must have googled him, and lied about recognizing him as a character.

That’s the way we see the argument for playable Alliance high elves, particularly the constant, “Alliance has been asking for…”, also the “you’re petty for trying to deprive me of what I want”.

So, to me, you seem very egocentric.

This was uncalled for.

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Oh no, Fyre’s awake.

Which is why you didn’t have them unlocked when you decided to switch to your Alliance alt to prove “non-bias” right?

Because the Blood Elf skeleton is the most popular skeleton on the Horde?

Also most other Alliance ARs aren’t even remotely worth the effort.


Didn’t you listen to her? Clearly it’s my fault, there must be something wrong with me because I don’t agree with her.I don’t want the same things she wants so I need to grow up.

No, I have trouble hearing things from short people.


Remember to take any “Leaks” with a grain of salt and not believe them just because it has something you really like.

Literally all of them lately have High Elves in them lol


ask all you want. the option to play a high elf is already available to you

the reason you cannot play a high elf is not because they have yet to be added, but because you have denied yourself the option. that is not our fault, nor is your insistence that race somehow be made playable on the alliance our problem, its yours as an individual

if you pick faction before race you are limited to that factions races

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I never said anything about what I wanted. You are the one assuming that. I have no interest in playing elves as this character demonstrates. I was arguing what what I observed the players wanted and what made sense storywise considering Vareesa having the first meeting with Alleria on Argus in 1000 years.

I find it funny most people think everyone who supported High Elves being playable wanted to play one personally. ANd frame it as a me vs you argument, instead of what makes sense lorewise and businesswise.


Which still doesnt say compromise, no matter how many times you state it does.

I did not. I said for all we know he could have had to go look him up before he replied to the tweet because he has no story or role in anything and danuser hasnt been at blizz for all that long. Kinda like players didnt mention him many months ago when the question about NPCs was brought up. You dont know what happened before the reply any more than I do. I dont buy that an NPC just sits there as a repair NPC in two expansions and nothing else and suddenly hes got some long standing story that was never explained without prodding from a player.


My bad, you just jumped in to make personal attacks.

For reference, you engaged me at this point:

Then proceeded with insults.

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Although it’s true that Ion’s comment was clear if anyone paid attention to the question. And the term ‘compromise’ it just putting a descriptive term for it, it really does come the closest to describing the situation.
It’s too bad blizz decided to do this…really we shouldn’t have gotten a night elf look…and the alliance shouldn’t have gotten a blood elf look at all.
It’s hard to believe how a few players can be so ungrateful over getting some amazing races. :crying_cat_face:

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A lot of people who play this game would like more customizations for their favorite played races that they’re very happy to play. Who doesn’t want more?

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Personally, i would be happy if at least i was able to play my favorite race.

But it seems i am not even supposed to ask for it.


your alt level 110? look, its NEVER happening because of the main reason they told you. high elves are blood elves and that alliance high elves unacceptably blur the lines between the factions

que void elves, the compromise. they are literally a thalassian elf variant changed just enough that blizzard felt they could be added as the answer to the alliances long standing request

what you want is to be able to play a core horde race without being horde and that is profoundly unfair to the horde and blood elves who are the high elves of quel’thalas proper. they have ‘updated’ the alliance ‘high’ elf model for you. they made it gray/purple and added tentacles, enjoy them


The Horde is waiting for you.

Yes, Blood Elves are high elves.

Arcane. Arcane is purple. I don’t know why all these belf mains think high elves have blue irises in their natural eyes because of magic. Blue is the color of necromancy.


Don’t call me a High Elf, traitor.


It’s understandable that all of us will keep asking for things we would like to have in game. I hope you don’t think that anyone is telling you not to ask. :crying_cat_face:

Your Void Elf looks amazing. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: